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Cotton Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Does anyone know who sings the "California Girls" remake that is played in the Cotton commercial where all the mannequins are wearing cotton clothes from different seasons?
# 2 19 years ago

> Does anyone know who sings the "California Girls" remake that is played in the Cotton commercial where all the mannequins are wearing cotton clothes from different seasons?

aaaah i was just like wondering that searching like all over google and stuff.. if someone finds it then i'd be real grateful
# 3 19 years ago

did you find out what that cotton commercial song is? if so, please tell me!
# 4 19 years ago

> Does anyone know who sings the "California Girls" remake that is played in the Cotton commercial where all the mannequins are wearing cotton clothes from different seasons?
# 5 19 years ago

> Does anyone know who sings the "California Girls" remake that is played in the Cotton commercial where all the mannequins are wearing cotton clothes from different seasons?
if you get an answer to question i'd like to know who the singer or band is. i'd like a copy of the song. thanks
# 6 19 years ago

> Does anyone know who sings the "California Girls" remake that is played in the Cotton commercial where all the mannequins are wearing cotton clothes from different seasons?
I can't seem to find any info anywhere about the mannequin commercial song...can anyone email me if you know?
# 7 19 years ago

> Does anyone know who sings the "California Girls" remake that is played in the Cotton commercial where all the mannequins are wearing cotton clothes from different seasons?

This is a repsonse I got from someone at Cotton Inc.

Thank you so much for your interest in Cotton's TV commercials. The spot
you are referring to below features a remake of the Beach Boys
"California Girls" with female vocals. All of the music in our spots,
including the California Girls track, was produced especially for
Cotton's TV commercials with a music production company and is not a
specific band. However, an MP3 of the California Girls track you are
interested in can be found on Cotton's homepage
( Just click on "Download Our Music" link
on the lower right hand part of the page.
I hope this has been helpful.

However she is incorrect, there is no download as of this time, the link she refers to is a direct mp3 link to the instrumental Cotton theme, the salsa sounding guitar one. I told her this...maybe she will point me in the right direction again.
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