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para-sailing commercial by american express and delta

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# 1 19 years ago

there is a controversy brewing over who the woman is in the american express para-sailing commercial.

A woman is claiming that her voice and image were used without her permission.

Could a large corp. such as american express make such a big bo bo? The stealing of intelectual property is a felony now isn't it? Also the No Electronic theift act may also have been violated. Who can solve this mystrery?
# 2 19 years ago

> there is a controversy brewing over who the woman is in the american express para-sailing commercial.
> A woman is claiming that her voice and image were used without her permission.
> Could a large corp. such as american express make such a big bo bo? The stealing of intelectual property is a felony now isn't it? Also the No Electronic theift act may also have been violated. Who can solve this mystrery?

The woman in the commercial has sent out press releases to msnbc and cbs and abc, claiming that her intellectual property was stolen.
# 3 19 years ago

> there is a controversy brewing over who the woman is in the american express para-sailing commercial.
> A woman is claiming that her voice and image were used without her permission.
> Could a large corp. such as american express make such a big bo bo? The stealing of intelectual property is a felony now isn't it? Also the No Electronic theift act may also have been violated. Who can solve this mystrery?

I know who this woman is and she is very upset over this and is requesting technical assistance for voice analysis.
# 4 19 years ago

> there is a controversy brewing over who the woman is in the american express para-sailing commercial.
> A woman is claiming that her voice and image were used without her permission.
> Could a large corp. such as american express make such a big bo bo? The stealing of intelectual property is a felony now isn't it? Also the No Electronic theift act may also have been violated. Who can solve this mystrery?

What a lawsuit! When is the news media going to report on this
# 5 19 years ago

> there is a controversy brewing over who the woman is in the american express para-sailing commercial.
> A woman is claiming that her voice and image were used without her permission.
> Could a large corp. such as american express make such a big bo bo? The stealing of intelectual property is a felony now isn't it? Also the No Electronic theift act may also have been violated. Who can solve this mystrery?

I heard fox news is sitting on the story until a few days after the election because she had gone to the fbi requesting to file charges and the FBI refused. Can they do that.
# 6 19 years ago

> there is a controversy brewing over who the woman is in the american express para-sailing commercial.
> A woman is claiming that her voice and image were used without her permission.
> Could a large corp. such as american express make such a big bo bo? The stealing of intelectual property is a felony now isn't it? Also the No Electronic theift act may also have been violated. Who can solve this mystrery?
# 7 19 years ago

> there is a controversy brewing over who the woman is in the american express para-sailing commercial.
> A woman is claiming that her voice and image were used without her permission.
> Could a large corp. such as american express make such a big bo bo? The stealing of intelectual property is a felony now isn't it? Also the No Electronic theift act may also have been violated. Who can solve this mystrery?
# 8 19 years ago

> there is a controversy brewing over who the woman is in the american express para-sailing commercial.
> A woman is claiming that her voice and image were used without her permission.
> Could a large corp. such as american express make such a big bo bo? The stealing of intelectual property is a felony now isn't it? Also the No Electronic theift act may also have been violated. Who can solve this mystrery?

Russell Christoff had his intellectual property used without his permission by the Nestle Co. He won a 15.6 million dolor lawsuit last week. I wonder how Mr. Russel Christoff was able to prove it was him after so many years???
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