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# 1 21 years ago

YAY! I FINNALY found out what it is. I'll quote the axe representatives exactly. 'The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the
television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris,
France. The title is 'L'Ascenceur'. The music was composed by Thierry
Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.' well, there it is, hope that makes you happy.

# 2 21 years ago

> YAY! I FINNALY found out what it is. I'll quote the axe representatives exactly. 'The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the
: television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris,
: France. The title is 'L'Ascenceur'. The music was composed by Thierry
: Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.' well, there it is, hope that makes you happy.

# 3 18 years ago

> YAY! I FINNALY found out what it is. I'll quote the axe representatives exactly. 'The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the
> television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris,
> France. The title is 'L'Ascenceur'. The music was composed by Thierry
> Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.' well, there it is, hope that makes you happy.
# 4 18 years ago

> YAY! I FINNALY found out what it is. I'll quote the axe representatives exactly. 'The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the
> television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris,
> France. The title is 'L'Ascenceur'. The music was composed by Thierry
> Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.' well, there it is, hope that makes you happy.
# 5 18 years ago

> YAY! I FINNALY found out what it is. I'll quote the axe representatives exactly. 'The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the
> television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris,
> France. The title is 'L'Ascenceur'. The music was composed by Thierry
> Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.' well, there it is, hope that makes you happy.
# 6 18 years ago

> YAY! I FINNALY found out what it is. I'll quote the axe representatives exactly. 'The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the
> television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris,
> France. The title is 'L'Ascenceur'. The music was composed by Thierry
> Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.' well, there it is, hope that makes you happy.
(All 6 messages )

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