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"Solaris" commercial music?

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# 1 21 years ago

Has anyone heard the music from the commercial for 'Solaris'? Sounds good. I can't find any info about a soundtrack, so maybe it's not unreleased? Anyone got the lowdown?
And that Tommy Hilfiger commercial, takes place in a wheat field (or something like that), has music with lyrics like 'Yes I'm gonna be a star, and the Sun is gonna shine on me...'
Anyone know the artist/title on that one?
# 2 21 years ago

> Has anyone heard the music from the commercial for 'Solaris'? Sounds good. I can't find any info about a soundtrack, so maybe it's not unreleased? Anyone got the lowdown?
> And that Tommy Hilfiger commercial, takes place in a wheat field (or something like that), has music with lyrics like 'Yes I'm gonna be a star, and the Sun is gonna shine on me...'
: Anyone know the artist/title on that one?
On the Hilfiger one, your quote is exact. It's a Euro-electro-pop band called Mellow, and the track is Paris Sous La Neige from the album Another Mellow Spring.

# 3 21 years ago

> And that Tommy Hilfiger commercial, takes place in a wheat field (or something like that), has music with lyrics like 'Yes I'm gonna be a star, and the Sun is gonna shine on me...'
: Anyone know the artist/title on that one?
Finally found out, it's 'Paris (Yes, I'm Gonna Be a Star)' by Mellow from the album 'Another Mellow Spring'. Trying to download it on but can't find it yet. Anyway, good luck. :)

# 4 20 years ago

> And that Tommy Hilfiger commercial, takes place in a wheat field (or something like that), has music with lyrics like 'Yes I'm gonna be a star, and the Sun is gonna shine on me...'
: Anyone know the artist/title on that one?
The music in the Hilfiger commercial is 'Paris sous la neige' by Mellow. I just happened to discover the song via Excite@Home (when it still existed) at about the same time the ad was airing.
Yes, I know this is a really old post, but I figured I'd help anyone who was still wondering what that song was. ;-)
-- codeman38
# 5 20 years ago

hey, i've been trying to find it too. hummm hope someone post it lol
# 6 20 years ago

i found it.

Elvis remix single Rubberneckin'
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