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volkswagen + chevy commercials....

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# 1 19 years ago

I'm looking for the song in the volkswagen commercial, can barely remember it but it was amazing.... i think it's for the new suv.. also, there's a pretty inspiring chevy commercial that talks about standing up for what you believe it, etc... just wondering if anyone can find the lyrics to it?
# 2 19 years ago

> I'm looking for the song in the volkswagen commercial, can barely remember it but it was amazing.... i think it's for the new suv.. It's a man singing and there is acoustic guitar in the song as well. Does anyone know who this man is. He's got the most beautiful voice that I have ever heard.
# 3 19 years ago

> I'm looking for the song in the volkswagen commercial, can barely remember it but it was amazing.... i think it's for the new suv...a young couple takes a picture of for an older lady. Who sings the song?
# 4 19 years ago

> > I'm looking for the song in the volkswagen commercial, can barely remember it but it was amazing.... i think it's for the new suv...a young couple takes a picture of for an older lady. Who sings the song?
# 5 19 years ago

> > I'm looking for the song in the volkswagen commercial, can barely remember it but it was amazing.... i think it's for the new suv...a young couple takes a picture of for an older lady. Who sings the song?

I believe that it's Richard Buckner. The voice from the song sounds like his.
# 6 19 years ago

I don't know the answer sorry, but i would also really like to know the song for the volkswagen suv commercial. Let me know if you find out please. Thanks (

> I'm looking for the song in the volkswagen commercial, can barely remember it but it was amazing.... i think it's for the new suv.. also, there's a pretty inspiring chevy commercial that talks about standing up for what you believe it, etc... just wondering if anyone can find the lyrics to it?
# 7 19 years ago

im looking for a song that i heard in a chevy commercial...i think its called "come on come on" cuase thats what they say mostly in the song but im not sure i was wondering if maybe you knew who did it thanx
# 8 19 years ago

i have no idea when you posted this- but you wanted to know about the vw song- richard buckner- i think his newer albumn.

> I'm looking for the song in the volkswagen commercial, can barely remember it but it was amazing.... i think it's for the new suv.. also, there's a pretty inspiring chevy commercial that talks about standing up for what you believe it, etc... just wondering if anyone can find the lyrics to it?
# 9 19 years ago

I am looking for the Volkswagen commercial where there is a guy test driving a Touareg and the salesman is in the passenger side, it's snowing out and all of a sudden the driver tells the salesman to get down low, he pulls up to the sidewalk and sees a girl and calls her by name, asks how she's doing and she says fine, then she tells him, "looks like you're doing good" and he says yes. Then he drives off. The salesman sits back up right and says, "Ex girlfriend?" and the driver says, "Yeah".

Can someone please help me find a clip of this?
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