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!!!!! name of song in the axe effect deodorant commercail pleez help !!

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# 1 21 years ago

!!!!! name of song in the axe effect deodorant commercail pleez help !!
i really need help on this song
# 2 21 years ago

YAY! I FINNALY found out what it is. I'll quote the axe representatives exactly. 'The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the
television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris,
France. The title is 'L'Ascenceur'. The music was composed by Thierry
Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.' well, there it is, hope that makes you happy.

# 3 21 years ago

hey, u guys found out the name to the axe affect commercial song, but i cant find it anywhere!!!! can one of u guys send it to me???? please email me!!!
# 4 21 years ago

Great!! But now we know what it's called, how do we get it?? *lol*
# 5 21 years ago

> !!!!! name of song in the axe effect deodorant commercail pleez help !!
: i really need help on this song

# 6 20 years ago

in the axe commercial with the old guy in the bed and the worms in the soil that go and form the shape of a heart...the lyrics have something to do with love and the singer is like a male pop opera singer
# 7 19 years ago

a girl and a guy wake up together and start walking through the city picking up the clothes they left the night before.could you please tell me the name of the song and the artist. thanks
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