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Toyota Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
# 2 19 years ago

possibly might be "Angela McCluskey - Beautiful Things"
# 3 19 years ago

I too would like to know this. If anyone finds out, or has the answer already, please email me at Thank you whomever.

> Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
# 4 19 years ago

Just saw in and your post came up in google - looking for an answer too! Great tune.

> Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
# 5 19 years ago

I liked the song so much I sent Toyota an e-mail about it, but still haven't heard back from them. If I ever do, I'll do a follow up post. Whoever the singer is, she has a brilliant voice.
# 6 19 years ago

I liked the song so much I sent Toyota an e-mail about it, but still haven't heard back from them. If I ever do, I'll do a follow up post. Whoever the singer is, she has a brilliant voice.
# 7 19 years ago

it sounds like Tori Amos... please let me know what you find out... Thanks!
# 8 19 years ago

> Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".

See the following:

The singer is reported to be Kathy Fisher.
# 9 19 years ago

The Song You have been looking for is called "Beautiful Day" by Fisher. It will be on there new CD coming out in 2005.
# 10 19 years ago

it's by a band called fisher.

they haven't released the song yet... it's called "beautiful life"...

working on getting their website... hold on....

> it sounds like Tori Amos... please let me know what you find out... Thanks!
# 11 19 years ago

> Just saw in and your post came up in google - looking for an answer too! Great tune.
> > Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
# 12 19 years ago

I'm trying to find the song on the Toyota Commercial also, so if you find it would you please email me the name of the song or the title.
# 13 19 years ago

As a fan of Chantal Kreviazuk, that's who I think it is. She's got that scratchy/throaty voice.

Singer of "god made me" and the theme song to providence tv show: "in my life"

another site says this:
It was Fisher and I think they are going to call it "Beautiful life" and if all goes well the full length version will be on their new CD hopefully coming out in March 2005.
Here is a link to their site.
# 14 19 years ago

> it sounds like Tori Amos... please let me know what you find out... Thanks!

The Band is Called Fisher
# 15 19 years ago

It's not here yet, but check this out:
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