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# 1 19 years ago

Does anyone know what the title is, or who the "author" is of the music in the Bell commercial....the one where the people are all holding frames with pictures in them..sort of hard to explain...its a piano piece..very nice..
If anyone knows..plz let me know!
# 2 19 years ago

Never mind...I found out what it is...and you cant get it anywhere..boooo
I found this on another tv ad site...

Dear Mr. Bruce,

I have received your question regarding the new Bell Canada commercial entitled 'Frames'. We've had many comments and similar enquiries regarding the background music since this commercial began to air last Sunday, August 29.

The music is actually an original score created by a Toronto company called Pirate Radio and Television. The piece is untitled, and unfortunately it is not available for distribution and will not likely be re-used.

My apologies - This information is probably not what you were looking for.


Craig Jennings

Associate Director
Brand & Corporate Communications
Bell Canada

1000 de La Gauchetière - 36th Floor
Montréal, Québec H3B 4Y7

t: 514.870.2242
f: 514.870.1553
c: 514.609.9427
# 3 19 years ago

Does anyone know what the title is, or who the "author" is of the music in the Bell commercial....the one where the people are all holding frames with pictures in them..sort of hard to explain...its a piano piece..very nice..
If anyone knows..plz let me know!
# 4 19 years ago

Hi Lisa,
I might not know you but I share the same love as you for that song from the bell commercial, just wondering if you found out what it was. If you do know please write back to me cause that song means alot to me. Thank you
# 5 19 years ago

Hey guys!
I was looking for the same music and guess what. I FOUND IT!! The music is on the website . When you are on the main page click on "spot of the week" and you're there!
Sincerely, Melanie
# 6 19 years ago

> Does anyone know what the title is, or who the "author" is of the music in the Bell commercial....the one where the people are all holding frames with pictures in them..sort of hard to explain...its a piano piece..very nice..
> If anyone knows..plz let me know!

Lisa, I was just looking for information about that same piece of music (incredible music, by the way), and found some information at this forum:

Some people in this forum contacted Bell Canada and learned that the music was composed by a company called Pirate Radio and Television. Apparently the music itself is untitled, but Bell has given the commercial the title, "Frames".

I hope this helps,

# 7 19 years ago

just curious as to the name of the christmas song that is featured in the new Bell commercials
# 8 19 years ago

unfortionatly the song was created just for that commercial by a ad company called pirate. the song probably won't ever be used for anything else, but if you look enough you may find an mp3 somewhere, since there are a lot of people who have expressed teh same interest as you. this being sad, you can watch the vid here if you want:
but i couldn't figure out how to save the vid.. and im normally pretty good at that. but oh well, happy hunting.

> Does anyone know what the title is, or who the "author" is of the music in the Bell commercial....the one where the people are all holding frames with pictures in them..sort of hard to explain...its a piano piece..very nice..
> If anyone knows..plz let me know!
# 9 19 years ago

The MP3 is not for download anywhere I can find, but you can view the video if you have quicktime at the following address:

> Never mind...I found out what it is...and you cant get it anywhere..boooo
> I found this on another tv ad site...
> Dear Mr. Bruce,
> I have received your question regarding the new Bell Canada commercial entitled 'Frames'. We've had many comments and similar enquiries regarding the background music since this commercial began to air last Sunday, August 29.
> The music is actually an original score created by a Toronto company called Pirate Radio and Television. The piece is untitled, and unfortunately it is not available for distribution and will not likely be re-used.
> My apologies - This information is probably not what you were looking for.
> Regards,
> Craig Jennings
> Associate Director
> Brand & Corporate Communications
> Bell Canada
> 1000 de La Gauchetière - 36th Floor
> Montréal, Québec H3B 4Y7
> t: 514.870.2242
> f: 514.870.1553
> c: 514.609.9427
# 10 19 years ago

I would like to ask about another song used in the BELL commerical during the olympics, where everyone does the Wave? "so common" wa sin the lyrics.
Wondering if i could get the name of the song and the artist!
# 11 18 years ago

YEs, it's called "Pictures of You" By the Cure
# 12 18 years ago

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