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I think its the HP printer commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
# 2 19 years ago

I think it is called "Pictures of You" by The Cure
# 3 19 years ago

> I think it is called "Pictures of You" by The Cure
I looked it up because I really like the song. It is called Picture Book by The Kinks.
# 4 19 years ago

actually it is called picture book, but it was song by the young fresh fellows on their "this one's for the ladies" album. You can download it on iTunes

> > I think it is called "Pictures of You" by The Cure
> I looked it up because I really like the song. It is called Picture Book by The Kinks.
# 5 19 years ago

what's the new hp printer commercial song? sounds a bit like wilco? can anyone help???
# 6 19 years ago

if you can find out the song from that commercial, i would appreciate an email from ya. it's really driving me nuts!!!
# 7 19 years ago

> actually it is called picture book, but it was song by the young fresh fellows on their "this one's for the ladies" album. You can download it on iTunes
> > > I think it is called "Pictures of You" by The Cure
> > I looked it up because I really like the song. It is called Picture Book by The Kinks.

Don't know about the young fresh fellows doing a version of Picture Book, but as well as HP's site ( both credit The Kinks
# 8 19 years ago

It's not the Cure song .... who sings that song in the commercial and what is it called?
# 9 19 years ago

> I think it is called "Pictures of You" by The Cure
It's Picture Book by the Kinks
# 10 19 years ago

> Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
# 11 19 years ago

> I think it is called "Pictures of You" by The Cure<

Nope! It is Picture Book, by the Kinks.

# 12 19 years ago

> I think it is called "Pictures of You" by The Cure
No - it's "Picture Book" by the Kinks...just follow this link:
# 13 19 years ago

> Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck

The song is Picture Book by the Kinks.
# 14 19 years ago

> Its a commercial with a guy placing frames in front of his face while hes at his desk, and the frames turn into his face like its taking a picture. Then he will put them around his neck and as hes taking them off, its like its taking a picture onto the fram he just had around his neck
# 15 19 years ago

No, the song is called "picture book" by the Kinks.
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