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New Mercedes-Benz Commercial; What is that song?

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# 1 19 years ago

Its a benz commercial where it just shows photos of people standing next to there benz...

anyone know the song?
# 2 19 years ago

> Its a benz commercial where it just shows photos of people standing next to there benz...
> anyone know the song?

I'm almost positive it's by Erin McKeown. I have never heard that song before on any of her albums though.
# 3 19 years ago

I think I found it on this website

- Reve by DJ Cassius
# 4 19 years ago

Ja, it's "Reve" by Cassius... from the album Au Reve.

> Its a benz commercial where it just shows photos of people standing next to there benz...
> anyone know the song?
# 5 19 years ago

April 24, 2004
Mercedes-Benz Pictures
Three new ads from Mercedes-Benz hope to show the "enduring relationship" between the company and its customers. Two ads focus on photographs of the owners posing with their cars while the third ad shows the loyality between owner and vehicle.

"Multiple Portraits" features the song "Reve" by DJ Cassius and closes with the tag line "No one ever poses with their toaster."

"Framed Portraits" is set to an acoustic guitar with a female crooning "Your picture is on my wall" and ends with the tag line "The Love Never Fades." The song is called "Amazed" (performed by Mozella) and was created specifically for the ad.

The third and most dramatic ad, entitled "Faithful," showcases owners as their various accomplishments are mentioned on screen. A powerful orchestral tune is heard during the ad and was created by Martin Hewer with the production agency Amber Music for the ad. (All info via the Forums.)
° Posted 04.24.2004 - 12:31 PM PST ... Link to this weblog entry
# 6 19 years ago

> April 24, 2004
> Mercedes-Benz Pictures
> Three new ads from Mercedes-Benz hope to show the "enduring relationship" between the company and its customers. Two ads focus on photographs of the owners posing with their cars while the third ad shows the loyality between owner and vehicle.
> "Multiple Portraits" features the song "Reve" by DJ Cassius and closes with the tag line "No one ever poses with their toaster."
> "Framed Portraits" is set to an acoustic guitar with a female crooning "Your picture is on my wall" and ends with the tag line "The Love Never Fades." The song is called "Amazed" (performed by Mozella) and was created specifically for the ad.
> The third and most dramatic ad, entitled "Faithful," showcases owners as their various accomplishments are mentioned on screen. A powerful orchestral tune is heard during the ad and was created by Martin Hewer with the production agency Amber Music for the ad. (All info via the Forums.)
> ° Posted 04.24.2004 - 12:31 PM PST ... Link to this weblog entry
any idea where I can get ahold of this song.
# 7 19 years ago

The song is called "Amazed", performed by Mozella and was created specifically for the ad.
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