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Cute Blonde In Dell Computer Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know who the cute blonde girl is in the Dell computer commercial? It starts off with 2 guys thinking they have come up with a new way to promote Dell computers and she cuts them off at the end and says ' and
maybe we could call it 1-800 they already do that'.

# 2 21 years ago

> Does anyone know who the cute blonde girl is in the Dell computer commercial? It starts off with 2 guys thinking they have come up with a new way to promote Dell computers and she cuts them off at the end and says ' and
: maybe we could call it 1-800 they already do that'.
i really, really wish i knew....!

# 3 21 years ago

That's what I wanna know. If you find out who she is, let me know!! Thanks!

# 4 21 years ago

That's what I'm sayin...who is that girl!?.....she's a hottie and a half!

# 5 21 years ago

No....but she was on some daytime show today....I had to leave and so I didnt get the channel or show name...but it looks like we will be seeing more of her. awesome!

# 6 21 years ago

> Does anyone know who the cute blonde girl is in the Dell computer commercial? It starts off with 2 guys thinking they have come up with a new way to promote Dell computers and she cuts them off at the end and says ' and
: maybe we could call it 1-800 they already do that'.
: Don't know, but email me with her name if you find out!

# 7 20 years ago

> Does anyone know who the cute blonde girl is in the Dell computer commercial? It starts off with 2 guys thinking they have come up with a new way to promote Dell computers and she cuts them off at the end and says ' and
: maybe we could call it 1-800 they already do that'.
according to a charmed episode its amy leland.i saw the episode-its definately her.

# 8 20 years ago

> Does anyone know who the cute blonde girl is in the Dell computer commercial? It starts off with 2 guys thinking they have come up with a new way to promote Dell computers and she cuts them off at the end and says ' and
: maybe we could call it 1-800 they already do that'.
according to a charmed episode its amy leland.i saw the episode-its definately her.

# 9 19 years ago

> Does anyone know who the cute blonde girl is in the Dell computer commercial? It starts off with 2 guys thinking they have come up with a new way to promote Dell computers and she cuts them off at the end and says ' and
> maybe we could call it 1-800 they already do that'.
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