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Re: song title to Planters Peanuts Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

> I did some searching and had to weed through many Saturday night titles or things related to Saturday night fever. The song is titled "Saturday Night" and it was song by the Bay City Rollers. It was recorded back in the 70's and there have been no changes to it other than cut and paste to go with the images of a dancing peanut. Hope this helps.
# 2 17 years ago

> > I did some searching and had to weed through many Saturday night titles or things related to Saturday night fever. The song is titled "Saturday Night" and it was song by the Bay City Rollers. It was recorded back in the 70's and there have been no changes to it other than cut and paste to go with the images of a dancing peanut. Hope this helps.
# 3 17 years ago

> > > I did some searching and had to weed through many Saturday night titles or things related to Saturday night fever. The song is titled "Saturday Night" and it was song by the Bay City Rollers. It was recorded back in the 70's and there have been no changes to it other than cut and paste to go with the images of a dancing peanut. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much
# 4 17 years ago

thanks so much and a lot of fever
# 5 17 years ago

> > > I did some searching and had to weed through many Saturday night titles or things related to Saturday night fever. The song is titled "Saturday Night" and it was song by the Bay City Rollers. It was recorded back in the 70's and there have been no changes to it other than cut and paste to go with the images of a dancing peanut. Hope this helps.
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