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techno song off of that tomb Raider commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Aight...this has been bothering me 'cause i can't figure out this song and i know that i know it. TBS (I think) has a commercial for the first TOMB RAIDER movie 'cause its gonna play on their station. During that commercial (one of the little clips is when she blows the head off the monkey statue), a song is playing in the background which first starts off with like a distorted high pitch guitar jam (melody goes up and down)..and then the song takes off when this awesome baseline comes in. Anyway, i think the artist is either BT or Oakenfold but people who have been listenin to trance in the late 90s/ early 2000s will probably be the only ones able to identify this song. Anyway, if you can help me out and give me the song'll be awesome and i give you the greatest of thanks.
# 2 19 years ago

You've probably heard it before as the theme music to the NBC show Third Watch...which is great by the way.

Crystal Method - Keep Hope Alive

# 3 19 years ago

Thanks a lot R
# 4 19 years ago

Thanks a lot R
# 5 17 years ago

> Aight...this has been bothering me 'cause i can't figure out this song and i know that i know it. TBS (I think) has a commercial for the first TOMB RAIDER movie 'cause its gonna play on their station. During that commercial (one of the little clips is when she blows the head off the monkey statue), a song is playing in the background which first starts off with like a distorted high pitch guitar jam (melody goes up and down)..and then the song takes off when this awesome baseline comes in. Anyway, i think the artist is either BT or Oakenfold but people who have been listenin to trance in the late 90s/ early 2000s will probably be the only ones able to identify this song. Anyway, if you can help me out and give me the song'll be awesome and i give you the greatest of thanks.
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