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Guitar riff in current CitiBank TV commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
# 2 19 years ago

> What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?

I would like to know also. Could you send me the source if you find out.

# 3 19 years ago

> What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
# 4 19 years ago

can anyone tell me what type of acoustic guitar is used in the current Ortho-Evra commercial? thanx
# 5 19 years ago

> What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?

sounds like The Feelies
# 6 18 years ago

> What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
# 7 18 years ago

There are so many different Citibank commercials currently airing. Are you referring to the one with a child in a swing, no voiceover but with the "Live Richly" tagline? If so, I've been wondering the same as you who provides that rockin' guitar track. Please let me know if you find out via other sources!

> > What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
# 8 18 years ago

There are so many different Citibank commercials currently airing. Are you referring to the one with a child in a swing, no voiceover but with the "Live Richly" tagline? If so, I've been wondering the same as you who provides that rockin' guitar track. Please let me know if you find out via other sources!

> > What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
# 9 18 years ago

> > What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
# 10 18 years ago

> There are so many different Citibank commercials currently airing. Are you referring to the one with a child in a swing, no voiceover but with the "Live Richly" tagline? If so, I've been wondering the same as you who provides that rockin' guitar track. Please let me know if you find out via other sources!
> > > What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
> >
# 11 18 years ago

> There are so many different Citibank commercials currently airing. Are you referring to the one with a child in a swing, no voiceover but with the "Live Richly" tagline? If so, I've been wondering the same as you who provides that rockin' guitar track. Please let me know if you find out via other sources!
> > > What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
> >
# 12 18 years ago

> There are so many different Citibank commercials currently airing. Are you referring to the one with a child in a swing, no voiceover but with the "Live Richly" tagline? If so, I've been wondering the same as you who provides that rockin' guitar track. Please let me know if you find out via other sources!
> > > What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
> > I do not know if you find out let me know i will keep trying to find out
# 13 18 years ago

> What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
# 14 18 years ago

> > There are so many different Citibank commercials currently airing. Are you referring to the one with a child in a swing, no voiceover but with the "Live Richly" tagline? If so, I've been wondering the same as you who provides that rockin' guitar track. Please let me know if you find out via other sources!
> >
> >
> > > > What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
> > > I do not know if you find out let me know i will keep trying to find out
> >
# 15 18 years ago

You mean the commercial with the two little boys running around outside with blankets on their backs like Superman. I'm trying to find out who plays the guitar also. I think it's Duane Eddy but I'm not sure.

There are so many different Citibank commercials currently airing. Are you referring to the one with a child in a swing, no voiceover but with the "Live Richly" tagline? If so, I've been wondering the same as you who provides that rockin' guitar track. Please let me know if you find out via other sources!
> > > What is the source of the guitar riff in the background of the current CitiBank Tv spot?
> >
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