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The song came from the "Popeye" soundtrack

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# 1 19 years ago

The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
# 2 19 years ago

> The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
-Where can I buy this version of this song? - thanks e.
# 3 19 years ago

> The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
-Where can I buy this version of this song? - thanks e.
# 4 19 years ago

> The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
-Where can I buy this version of this song? - thanks e.
# 5 19 years ago

> > The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
> -Where can I buy this version of this song? - thanks e.
# 6 19 years ago

> The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
# 7 19 years ago

> The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
# 8 19 years ago

> The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
Hi roger can you tell me if you are ever going to make the popeye soundtrack on dvd someday soon or later because i would like to perchase it.
# 9 19 years ago

> The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
# 10 18 years ago

> The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
# 11 18 years ago

> The song called "He Needs Me" comes from the soundtrack of the 1980 Robin Williams movie Popeye. Shelley Duvall, as Olive Oyl, sings the song about Popeye.
# 12 18 years ago

Does anyone know where/how to buy the soundtrack to the Popeye Movie? I want "Food, Food, Food" and the rest of the songs. I checked itunes but it's not on there. Help!

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