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song in the mavi jeans commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

can someone please tell me what the name of the song/artist is in the new mavi jeans commercial the one where all the guys are tryin to get with the girl n the guy who actaully gets her is like the dorky one the begining goes something like 'this love has taken it's toll on me...' ~thanx
# 2 21 years ago

'This Love' by Maroon 5
Catchy tunes...

# 3 21 years ago

Dude jeff your awesome, i've been searching for weeks for that. Thanks alot!

# 4 21 years ago

it is called 'this love' and it is by Maroon 5
# 5 21 years ago

> can someone please tell me what the name of the song/artist is in the new mavi jeans commercial the one where all the guys are tryin to get with the girl n the guy who actaully gets her is like the dorky one the begining goes something like 'this love has taken it's toll on me...' ~thanx

# 6 21 years ago

if anyone knows the name of the song and artist in the mavi jones commerical please email me at
Thanks so much

# 7 21 years ago

its called 'this love' by maroon 5
# 8 21 years ago

The band is called Maroon 5. They're out of los angeles. the version in the commercial is remixed by DJ Sam Spiegel.

: if anyone knows the name of the song and artist in the mavi jones commerical please email me at
: Thanks so much

# 9 20 years ago

> > can someone please tell me what the name of the song/artist is in the new mavi jeans commercial the one where all the guys are tryin to get with the girl n the guy who actaully gets her is like the dorky one the begining goes something like 'this love has taken it's toll on me...' ~thanx
> It's "This Love" performed by Maroon5
(All 9 messages )

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