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MERCEDES C class, Lowe's

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# 1 21 years ago

I have two questions, really appreciate any help if you can give it! thanks!
1) Mercedes C class. This is a commercial from awhile back, where a mercedes was driving down a street, and everyone who saw it fell in love with it, and a policeman saw it and a big red heart comes out... it is all instrumental and sounds a little like bobby darin's Beyond the Sea but it's not that... can you help me out?
2) What is the song that plays during the Lowe's hardware store commercial?? thanks so much!!
# 2 20 years ago

> I have two questions, really appreciate any help if you can give it! thanks!
> 1) Mercedes C class. This is a commercial from awhile back, where a mercedes was driving down a street, and everyone who saw it fell in love with it, and a policeman saw it and a big red heart comes out... it is all instrumental and sounds a little like bobby darin's Beyond the Sea but it's not that... can you help me out?
> 2) What is the song that plays during the Lowe's hardware store commercial?? thanks so much!!

# 3 20 years ago

I would like to know the name of the Lowe's Hardware song as well. Any help is appreciated.

:> I have two questions, really appreciate any help if you can give it! thanks!
>> 1) Mercedes C class. This is a commercial from awhile back, where a mercedes was driving down a street, and everyone who saw it fell in love with it, and a policeman saw it and a big red heart comes out... it is all instrumental and sounds a little like bobby darin's Beyond the Sea but it's not that... can you help me out?
>> 2) What is the song that plays during the Lowe's hardware store commercial?? thanks so much!!

# 4 18 years ago

What is the song that plays during the Lowe's hardware store commercial?? thanks so much!!

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