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Song on the OC beach commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

who is the band that sings the song on the OC commercial that played during the Teen Choice Awards where they wer all dressed up and went to the beach? the lyrics go somthing like "CAlifornia...California...Here we come...California...CAlifornia..your the onnnnnnneeeee yeah"
# 2 19 years ago

the band name is Phantom Planet and the song is "California"

ciao stefano

> who is the band that sings the song on the OC commercial that played during the Teen Choice Awards where they wer all dressed up and went to the beach? the lyrics go somthing like "CAlifornia...California...Here we come...California...CAlifornia..your the onnnnnnneeeee yeah"
# 3 19 years ago

The song is Phantom Planet - California
# 4 19 years ago

> who is the band that sings the song on the OC commercial that played during the Teen Choice Awards where they wer all dressed up and went to the beach? the lyrics go somthing like "CAlifornia...California...Here we come...California...CAlifornia..your the onnnnnnneeeee yeah"
# 5 19 years ago

> who is the band that sings the song on the OC commercial that played during the Teen Choice Awards where they wer all dressed up and went to the beach? the lyrics go somthing like "CAlifornia...California...Here we come...California...CAlifornia..your the onnnnnnneeeee yeah"
# 6 19 years ago

its the song from "phantom planet- california"
bye Joy
# 7 19 years ago

> who is the band that sings the song on the OC commercial that played during the Teen Choice Awards where they wer all dressed up and went to the beach? the lyrics go somthing like "CAlifornia...California...Here we come...California...CAlifornia..your the onnnnnnneeeee yeah"
# 8 18 years ago

> the band name is Phantom Planet and the song is "California"
> ciao stefano
> > who is the band that sings the song on the OC commercial that played during the Teen Choice Awards where they wer all dressed up and went to the beach? the lyrics go somthing like "CAlifornia...California...Here we come...California...CAlifornia..your the onnnnnnneeeee yeah"
# 9 18 years ago

phantom planet - california here we come
> who is the band that sings the song on the OC commercial that played during the Teen Choice Awards where they wer all dressed up and went to the beach? the lyrics go somthing like "CAlifornia...California...Here we come...California...CAlifornia..your the onnnnnnneeeee yeah"
# 10 18 years ago

> who is the band that sings the song on the OC commercial that played during the Teen Choice Awards where they wer all dressed up and went to the beach? the lyrics go somthing like "CAlifornia...California...Here we come...California...CAlifornia..your the onnnnnnneeeee yeah" and what is the song called
# 11 18 years ago

the OC theme song is called "california" by phantom planet

> > who is the band that sings the song on the OC commercial that played during the Teen Choice Awards where they wer all dressed up and went to the beach? the lyrics go somthing like "CAlifornia...California...Here we come...California...CAlifornia..your the onnnnnnneeeee yeah"
# 12 18 years ago

what is the song that is played on the oc commercial
lalalala doooooo dooooo
and it is also played in foxtel add
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