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hillary duff

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# 1 19 years ago

dear hillary,
my name is Samantha I am 12 my birthday is in december I live in ns were do u
live. I really LOVE your shows canu write back g2g Samantha
# 2 19 years ago

> dear hillary,
> my name is Adrian I am 17 my birthday is in januar I live in ns were do u
> live. I really LOVE your shows canu write back g2g Adrian
# 3 19 years ago

hillary duff je suis française
# 4 19 years ago

dear hilary duff this is jack and i am 13 years old all i ever think about is hilary duff and i really want to meet you. i g2g now bye plz write back
# 5 19 years ago

just wondering when your birthday is, cuz I figured out I'm older than the Olsen twins, and I'm older than Lindsey Lohan, so I was wondering if I'm older than you too...I think I am..cuz you're a really silly little girl.
# 6 19 years ago

dear hillary,
you are my only idol i think you are the best person in the world. one time theres 2 magazines one with toys and stuff and one with you i chose you and all i read in that magazine was the stuff about you i like pickels and camren diaz too my number is 96293260 please call me or if you come in australia visit me 18 burns road kellyville ive watch like all of your tv shows and movies a picture of you is my desktop and i read your books. my name is adriana i am 8 years old please call me or come to my house or reply
# 7 19 years ago

> dear hillary,
> my name is brianna I am 9 my birthday is in july I live in ct were do u
> live. I really LOVE your shows can u write back to me at my bothes email. this is his email
# 8 19 years ago

> dear hillary,
> my name is tiffany I am 11 my birthday is in december I live in north bay were do u
> live. I really LOVE your shows can u write back becaus u r my bigest fan in the hole world i even wacth u on much music! wow ur lucky to be a star and take time to read ourletters o tell ur sis i said hi!

well g2g writ me back I lOVE U hillary u r my bigest fan!!!

# 9 19 years ago

> dear hillary.
>I like your music and so dous my friend. we wanted to see your concert but we couldn't. our other friend went and kind of braged about it. She's mad at me and I don't know why. What should I do?
>Please write back.
# 10 19 years ago

> dear hillary.
>I like your music and so dous my friend. we wanted to see your concert but we couldn't. our other friend went and kind of braged about it. She's mad at me and I don't know why. What should I do?
>Please write back.
# 11 19 years ago

> dear hillary,
> my name is kayleigh I am 8 my birthday is in october I live in New Zealand were do u
> live. I really LOVE your shows can u write back from Kayleigh.
# 12 19 years ago

dear hillary,
my name is leticia I am 10 my birthday is in october I live in New Zealand where do you
live. I really LOVE your shows can you write back .I go to fendalton school my teachers name is rob clark.I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers I also have my mum and my dad
we are all a happy family.My sisers teachers name is miranda.My 3 fave fans are Hillary Duff,mery-kate olson and ashley from leticia.
# 13 19 years ago

> dear hillary,
> My name is acssie i really want to know stuff about so i can put u on a postage stamp
> will u please write me bace about stuff so i can put u on an postage stamp
# 14 19 years ago

> dear hillary,
> My name is cassie i really want to know stuff about so i can put u on a postage stamp
> will u please write me bace about stuff so i can put u on an postage stamp
# 15 19 years ago

> dear hillary,
> my name is Samantha I am 12 my birthday is in december I live in ns were do u
> live. I really LOVE your shows canu write back g2g Samantha
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