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hilary duff

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# 1 19 years ago

hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your phone number so we can play togher my phone number is 801 583 5917
# 2 19 years ago

Are you serious? I hope to god that isn't your real phone!! How old are you? 11???????

> hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your phone number so we can play togher my phone number is 801 583 5917
# 3 19 years ago

> Shame on you... I just found out your address, and the name of your male guardian. To give you some dignity I won't publish it here all here, but people can reverse look up your phone, and find out where you live. DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR PHONE NUMBER... EVER!!!! Salt Lake City, Utah, John A.
> > hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your phone number so we can play togher my phone number is 801 583 5917
# 4 19 years ago

hey hilary im a very huge fan your the inly star i like to watch on tv oh when i get to 8th grade graduate and go to high school and then college im gonna get a masters degree and work for the CIA on technology when i get payed im gonna pay someone to get you to meet me i love you my name is diana olivo im12 years old and im a huge fan ok so ,can you give me your phone and your email address so we can talk to each other im from chicago rock.
# 5 19 years ago

> Are you serious? I hope to god that isn't your real phone!! How old are you? 11???????
> > hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your phone number so we can play togher my phone number is 801 583 5917
no fits!
# 6 19 years ago

> > Shame on you... I just found out your address, and the name of your male guardian. To give you some dignity I won't publish it here all here, but people can reverse look up your phone, and find out where you live. DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR PHONE NUMBER... EVER!!!! Salt Lake City, Utah, John A.
> > > hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your phone number so we can play togher my phone number is 801 583 5917
> > ccpoool hilarey
# 7 19 years ago

> hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if
# 8 19 years ago

> > Shame on you... I just found out your address, and the name of your male guardian. To give you some dignity I won't publish it here all here, but people can reverse look up your phone, and find out where you live. DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR PHONE NUMBER... EVER!!!!

> > > hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your phone number so we can play togher my phone number is 7808320 in leon, gto, mexico Im a friend of a girl named Vanessa.If you remember ok.

# 9 19 years ago

> > Shame on you... I just found out your address, and the name of your male guardian. To give you some dignity I won't publish it here all here, but people can reverse look up your phone, and find out where you live. DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR PHONE NUMBER... EVER!!!! Salt Lake City, Utah, John A.
> > > Hi Hilary I I'm your biggest fan. Can I have your phone number so we could talk to gether my phone number is 909 393 2955 if not call my dad's cell the phone number is 626 806 6346.
> >
# 10 19 years ago

> > Shame on you... I just found out your address, and the name of your male guardian. To give you some dignity I won't publish it here all here, but people can reverse look up your phone, and find out where you live. DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR PHONE NUMBER... EVER!!!! Salt Lake City, Utah, John A.
> > > hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your phone number so we can play togher my phone number is 801 583 5917
> >
> uh....i love hilary duff too...but she probably WONT see this and people CAN find out where u old r u?im 11 and i know that!!! DO NOT PUT YOUR PHONE NUMBER HERE!!!
# 11 19 years ago

> hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your e-mail adres my e-mail adres is
# 12 19 years ago

Dear Hil
I am a HUGE fan of yours and I wanted to ask if I could have your number and e-mail address.
# 13 19 years ago

> > Shame on you... I just found out your address, and the name of your male guardian. To give you some dignity I won't publish it here all here, but people can reverse look up your phone, and find out where you live. DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR PHONE NUMBER... EVER!!!! Salt Lake City, Utah, John A.
> > > hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your phone number so we can play togher my phone number is 801 583 5917
> >
# 14 19 years ago

> > Shame on you... I just found out your address, and the name of your male guardian. To give you some dignity I won't publish it here all here, but people can reverse look up your phone, and find out where you live. DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR PHONE NUMBER... EVER!!!! Salt Lake City, Utah, John A.
> > > hi hilary duff I am a big fan of urs no my friend is though but please give me a million $s!!!!
Sooooo How is life...........
U r wierd and stupid sort off not really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bavneet Brar loves u she wants to merry u!!
Talk to ya later!!

# 15 19 years ago

> > Shame on you... I just found out your address, and the name of your male guardian. To give you some dignity I won't publish it here all here, but people can reverse look up your phone, and find out where you live. DO NOT PUBLISH YOUR PHONE NUMBER... EVER!!!! Salt Lake City, Utah, John A.
> > > hi hilary duff I am a big fan of yours I want to know if I can have your phone number so we can play togher my phone number is 801 583 5917
> >
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