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Old Spice Commercial Actress

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# 1 19 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the actress in the new Old Spice commercial. The commercial features a boss talking to an empty office saying that he needs the employee to work late. He then says he smells really good and the employee appears from under the desk. At the end of the commercial, a woman comes up from behind the desk as well. I know I've seen her somewhere before, but I can't remember. Thanks in advance.
# 2 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the actress in the new Old Spice commercial. The commercial features a boss talking to an empty office saying that he needs the employee to work late. He then says he smells really good and the employee appears from under the desk. At the end of the commercial, a woman comes up from behind the desk as well. I know I've seen her somewhere before, but I can't remember. Thanks in advance.

Why donr you just call the Ols Spice Company, or whoever, and aask someone in their advertising department what ad agency made the commercial, and call them. They'll know her & her agent.
# 3 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the actress in the new Old Spice commercial. The commercial features a boss talking to an empty office saying that he needs the employee to work late. He then says he smells really good and the employee appears from under the desk. At the end of the commercial, a woman comes up from behind the desk as well. I know I've seen her somewhere before, but I can't remember. Thanks in advance.
# 4 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the actress in the new Old Spice commercial. The commercial features a boss talking to an empty office saying that he needs the employee to work late. He then says he smells really good and the employee appears from under the desk. At the end of the commercial, a woman comes up from behind the desk as well. I know I've seen her somewhere before, but I can't remember. Thanks in advance.
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