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What's the Axe commercial song?

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# 1 19 years ago

It goes something like "Electric shiver, running up my skin. It's like a fever and you're my only medicine." I want to know what it is, I love it!
# 2 19 years ago

Feeling The Love
# 3 19 years ago

Its called Feeling the Love by reactor
# 4 19 years ago

> Now I'm not entirely positive, but I think that the song you're looking for is called, "Feeling the Love", by Reactor. Hope that helped.
# 5 19 years ago

> Now I'm not entirely positive, but I think that the song you're looking for is called, "Feeling the Love", by Reactor. Hope that helped.
# 6 19 years ago

Reactor - Feeling The Love

Feeling The Love
You're looking my way, you're looking good
Needs no explaining, it's understood
Electric shivers, across my skin
It's like a fever, and you're my only medicine

Could I be dreaming your touching
I'm feeling the love as it flows through the air
Lighting my fire, igniting desire
It's hotter than heaven in here

You show me yours, I'll show you mine
Don't hurry baby, take your time
Know what I'm thinking, you think the same
Tear up the rulebook, and maybe we can play the game

Could I be dreaming your touching
I'm feeling the love as it flows through the air
Lighting my fire, igniting desire
It's hotter than heaven in here

# 7 19 years ago

> It goes something like "Electric shiver, running up my skin. It's like a fever and you're my only medicine." I want to know what it is, I love it!
# 8 19 years ago

It's called "feeling the love" by Reactor
yes it is a good song and you can download it for your MP3 player or just to listen to on your computer at
enjoy and please dont illegal download
# 9 19 years ago

I was wondering what that was too and i just looked it up the other day. It's called "Feeling the Love" by Reactor. ( :
# 10 19 years ago

> It goes something like "Electric shiver, running up my skin. It's like a fever and you're my only medicine." I want to know what it is, I love it!

have you found out what it was? i wanna know so bad and i just heard it again the other day... thanks
# 11 19 years ago

It's by a Band Reactor and it's called "Feeling The Love"
i love it too hehe

> It goes something like "Electric shiver, running up my skin. It's like a fever and you're my only medicine." I want to know what it is, I love it!
# 12 19 years ago

"feeling this love"

by: reactor
# 13 19 years ago

> It goes something like "Electric shiver, running up my skin. It's like a fever and you're my only medicine." I want to know what it is, I love it!
# 14 19 years ago
# 15 19 years ago

The song in spanish in the commercial where the guy is being chased by a group of mobsters.
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