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Boeing Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the song/artist that is used in the background of the current Boeing commercial?
# 2 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song/artist that is used in the background of the current Boeing commercial?
I called Boeing's communications dept. and it turns out that Boeing itself produced and owns the music used in its most recent ad campaign. The music can be heard via the ad which can be accessed through Boeing's corporate website.

# 3 21 years ago

> : Does anyone know the song/artist that is used in the background of the current Boeing commercial?
> I called Boeing's communications dept. and it turns out that Boeing itself produced and owns the music used in its most recent ad campaign. The music can be heard via the ad which can be accessed through Boeing's corporate website.
Hey,thanks. I tried to bring it up on boeing site,
but no luck. Sure would like to have the C.D.

# 4 21 years ago

Where is the commercial on their website?

:> Does anyone know the song/artist that is used in the background of the current Boeing commercial?
> I called Boeing's communications dept. and it turns out that Boeing itself produced and owns the music used in its most recent ad campaign. The music can be heard via the ad which can be accessed through Boeing's corporate website.

# 5 21 years ago

On the Boeing website, go to the 'About Boeing' section which has all the current commercials (came up on RealPlayer for me). Or, the direct url is

:> : Does anyone know the song/artist that is used in the background of the current Boeing commercial?
>> I called Boeing's communications dept. and it turns out that Boeing itself produced and owns the music used in its most recent ad campaign. The music can be heard via the ad which can be accessed through Boeing's corporate website.
> Hey,thanks. I tried to bring it up on boeing site,
: but no luck. Sure would like to have the C.D.

# 6 20 years ago

I have the music

# 7 20 years ago

I have the music
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