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Friends Season Premiere

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# 1 21 years ago

I was just wondering if anyone knows what the song that they play in the beginning of Friends season premiere is called. Thanks
# 2 21 years ago

I think you may be referring to the Celine Dion song, 'A New Day Has Come' that they play in the previews and the beginning of premiere episode that aired on 09/26/02.
I hope I am right.
> I was just wondering if anyone knows what the song that they play in the beginning of Friends season premiere is called. Thanks

# 3 21 years ago

Hi, I'm pretty sure it's not the Celine Dion song. It was right at the beginning of this season's premiere when they were showing Joey on one knee and Ross walking from the season finale of last season. It had a guitar tune to it and I don't think it was in the commercials. Thanks.

: I think you may be referring to the Celine Dion song, 'A New Day Has Come' that they play in the previews and the beginning of premiere episode that aired on 09/26/02.
> I hope I am right.
>> I was just wondering if anyone knows what the song that they play in the beginning of Friends season premiere is called. Thanks

# 4 21 years ago

> I was just wondering if anyone knows what the song that they play in the beginning of Friends season premiere is called. Thanks
I don't know but please email me I have the same question
# 5 21 years ago

Do you mean the one in the preview clip thing? I'm trying to find what it is too...sounds like Peter Gabriel, but I'm not sure.
# 6 21 years ago

Hey, I'm not sure if this is the song u are looking for, but I do remember hearing a bit of the song Let My Love Open the Door by Pete Townshend on either the previews or opening credits.

> Hi, I'm pretty sure it's not the Celine Dion song. It was right at the beginning of this season's premiere when they were showing Joey on one knee and Ross walking from the season finale of last season. It had a guitar tune to it and I don't think it was in the commercials. Thanks.
:> I think you may be referring to the Celine Dion song, 'A New Day Has Come' that they play in the previews and the beginning of premiere episode that aired on 09/26/02.
>> I hope I am right.
>> : I was just wondering if anyone knows what the song that they play in the beginning of Friends season premiere is called. Thanks

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