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Girl In KIA Spot

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# 1 21 years ago

My brother really wants to find out who the blonde in the KIA spot is. He thinks he's seen her in a movie. Thanks for any help that you can offer. Feel free to e-mail me.
# 2 21 years ago

> My brother really wants to find out who the blonde in the KIA spot is. He thinks he's seen her in a movie. Thanks for any help that you can offer. Feel free to e-mail me.
the girl is an actor in los angeles named stacy. i am not sure if she's done any films.
# 3 21 years ago

if anyone finds out more about the girl in the kia spot, the blonde, other than her name is stacy and she's an actress in LA, please let me know! she's gorgeous!

# 4 21 years ago

> : My brother really wants to find out who the blonde in the KIA spot is. He thinks he's seen her in a movie. Thanks for any help that you can offer. Feel free to e-mail me.
> the girl is an actor in los angeles named stacy. i am not sure if she's done any films.
Anyone know what is the name of the song in this commercial????

# 5 21 years ago

> :> My brother really wants to find out who the blonde in the KIA spot is. He thinks he's seen her in a movie. Thanks for any help that you can offer. Feel free to e-mail me.
>> the girl is an actor in los angeles named stacy. i am not sure if she's done any films.
> Anyone know what is the name of the song in this commercial????
Genius of Love -- Tom-Tom Club
Here's the clip of the commercial...
# 6 21 years ago

> : My brother really wants to find out who the blonde in the KIA spot is. He thinks he's seen her in a movie. Thanks for any help that you can offer. Feel free to e-mail me.
> the girl is an actor in los angeles named stacy. i am not sure if she's done any films.
her name is stacy and she is an actress* in los angeles........but if someone knows her last name could you please provide it........she is beautiful. thank you

# 7 21 years ago

> :> My brother really wants to find out who the blonde in the KIA spot is. He thinks he's seen her in a movie. Thanks for any help that you can offer. Feel free to e-mail me.
>> the girl is an actor in los angeles named stacy. i am not sure if she's done any films.
> her name is stacy and she is an actress* in los angeles........but if someone knows her last name could you please provide it........she is beautiful. thank you
sorry dude...can't give you her last name.

# 8 21 years ago

> :> : My brother really wants to find out who the blonde in the KIA spot is. He thinks he's seen her in a movie. Thanks for any help that you can offer. Feel free to e-mail me.
>> : the girl is an actor in los angeles named stacy. i am not sure if she's done any films.
>> her name is stacy and she is an actress* in los angeles........but if someone knows her last name could you please provide it........she is beautiful. thank you
> sorry dude...can't give you her last name.
why can you give me her last name????
# 9 21 years ago

> if anyone finds out more about the girl in the kia spot, the blonde, other than her name is stacy and she's an actress in LA, please let me know! she's gorgeous!
the girl's name is stacey scowley she starred in a movie called hell asylum and I think another one called witches and warlocks or something like that, I think her full name is stacey ann scowley if you find pictures of her let me know ok? I would appreciate it

# 10 21 years ago

I Found the name of the song.....

# 11 21 years ago

yep, she is gorgeous I am looking all over the net for her name and any other spots she is in
# 12 21 years ago

To Whom It May concern:
Unless otherwise incorrect, I believe the blonde in the Kia Spectra commerical is Amy Farrington, an actress who appeared in 'The Michael Richards Show' and played an ER doctor in 'Soul Survivors'
However this information is based on text and not pictures. It may not be the same girl. I'd have to rent 'Soul Survivors' first. You can verify this info with the Internet Movie Database (link below) and click on 'other works.'
# 13 21 years ago

Internet Movie Database link:
# 14 21 years ago

Correction on the Amy Farrington info. She did do a Kia Spectra commercial in 2002, but not sure if its the spot your referring to. If it is the same actress, she was a brunette on 'The Michael Richards Show' but again, I'm not sure its the same one.
# 15 19 years ago

> > the girl is an actor in los angeles named stacy. i am not sure if she's done any films.
> her name is stacy and she is an actress* in los angeles........but if someone knows her last name could you please provide it........she is beautiful. thank you
Stacey Scowley -

btw, used search for "kia" in bios to get the answer.
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