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ikea commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

oh my goodness the ikea commercial with the 'sad lamp' is soooo funny! it is of a lamp that was thrown away and its outside where its raining, and inside the previous owner has a new lamp and is lookin out on it. theres sad music in the background, and then this guy with an accent comes up and says: 'you feel sorry for this lamp. you are crazy! this lamp has no feelings. besides, the new one is much better.'
soooooooo funny!

# 2 21 years ago

i kno it was hilarious
# 3 21 years ago

Does anyone know where I can find a video clip of this commercial on the internet?

: oh my goodness the ikea commercial with the 'sad lamp' is soooo funny! it is of a lamp that was thrown away and its outside where its raining, and inside the previous owner has a new lamp and is lookin out on it. theres sad music in the background, and then this guy with an accent comes up and says: 'you feel sorry for this lamp. you are crazy! this lamp has no feelings. besides, the new one is much better.'
: soooooooo funny!

# 4 21 years ago

I love it too! I accually felt sorry for the lamp!

# 5 21 years ago

you can find the ikea lamp commercial at . Just click on the TV

# 6 21 years ago

Does anybody recognize the music? Composer?? Title???

# 7 18 years ago

> oh my goodness the ikea commercial with the 'sad lamp' is soooo funny! it is of a lamp that was thrown away and its outside where its raining, and inside the previous owner has a new lamp and is lookin out on it. theres sad music in the background, and then this guy with an accent comes up and says: 'you feel sorry for this lamp. you are crazy! this lamp has no feelings. besides, the new one is much better.'
> soooooooo funny!
# 8 18 years ago

> > oh my goodness the ikea commercial with the 'sad lamp' is soooo funny! it is of a lamp that was thrown away and its outside where its raining, and inside the previous owner has a new lamp and is lookin out on it. theres sad music in the background, and then this guy with an accent comes up and says: 'you feel sorry for this lamp. you are crazy! this lamp has no feelings. besides, the new one is much better.'
> > soooooooo funny!
> >
> >
# 9 18 years ago

> > oh my goodness the ikea commercial with the 'sad lamp' is soooo funny! it is of a lamp that was thrown away and its outside where its raining, and inside the previous owner has a new lamp and is lookin out on it. theres sad music in the background, and then this guy with an accent comes up and says: 'you feel sorry for this lamp. you are crazy! this lamp has no feelings. besides, the new one is much better.'
> > soooooooo funny!
> >
> >
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