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Pls help me identify this Latino HipHop Video

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# 1 23 years ago

I'm trying to identify this video I've seen once or twice. It's a bunch of guys -- one looks like fat joe w/ a baseball cap and wraparound shades -- and they're goofing around at Spring Break. It lloks like its in Miami, but it could be somewhere else. There's a bunch of girls in bikinis bouncing around (surprise) and at the chorus they all shout 'Soy Yo!' or something. I don't speak Spanish, so I can't tell what they're saying and I never see any credits. Anybody have a clue about an ID or an online link?
# 2 17 years ago

> I'm trying to identify this video I've seen once or twice. It's a bunch of guys -- one looks like fat joe w/ a baseball cap and wraparound shades -- and they're goofing around at Spring Break. It lloks like its in Miami, but it could be somewhere else. There's a bunch of girls in bikinis bouncing around (surprise) and at the chorus they all shout 'Soy Yo!' or something. I don't speak Spanish, so I can't tell what they're saying and I never see any credits. Anybody have a clue about an ID or an online link?
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