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cartoon with flamingos?

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# 1 21 years ago

does anyone remember a cartoon that was part of an animation festival from the late 80's-early 90's (possible spike and mike). the story was about a universe where babies were scientists and one discovers that they are figments of a man's dream and he is about to wake up and end their existence? they send pillow-clad commando's into our world to muffle his alarm clock and save themselves, but at the end, his dream shifts and they turn into flamingos? i know- sounds like an acid trip, but i'm trying to find it for my kids. not an ad, but i know one of you guys will know.
# 2 21 years ago

i've also been trying to find this movie for a long time; it's very much a childhood relic. i'd also really appreciate any information you can post.

# 3 21 years ago

I remember it! I can't remember the title for the life of me and I would really like to see it again, if you find out, I would love to know.
# 4 20 years ago

Did you ever get an answer to this? I also remember it, and would love to get a hold of it......
you said:
: does anyone remember a cartoon that was part of an animation festival from the late 80's-early 90's (possible spike and mike). the story was about a universe where babies were scientists and one discovers that they are figments of a man's dream and he is about to wake up and end their

# 5 20 years ago

I have the same vague memories and found your question by seeking to find the answer. Did anyone get back to you?
Rob Lederer
New York City
> does anyone remember a cartoon that was part of an animation festival from the late 80's-early 90's (possible spike and mike). the story was about a universe where babies were scientists and one discovers that they are figments of a man's dream and he is about to wake up and end their existence? they send pillow-clad commando's into our world to muffle his alarm clock and save themselves, but at the end, his dream shifts and they turn into flamingos? i know- sounds like an acid trip, but i'm trying to find it for my kids. not an ad, but i know one of you guys will know.

# 6 20 years ago

See ! it's called Rarg.

: does anyone remember a cartoon that was part of an animation festival from the late 80's-early 90's (possible spike and mike). the story was about a universe where babies were scientists and one discovers that they are figments of a man's dream and he is about to wake up and end their existence? they send pillow-clad commando's into our world to muffle his alarm clock and save themselves, but at the end, his dream shifts and they turn into flamingos? i know- sounds like an acid trip, but i'm trying to find it for my kids. not an ad, but i know one of you guys will know.

# 7 19 years ago

hi ppls personally i think flamingos are great in crtoons flexibilty they can bend in places that are impossible for the human body to accomplish.oh and by the im 11 so dont bother emailin me if you wanna talk science.

# 8 19 years ago

hi ppls personally i think flamingos are great in crtoons flexibilty they can bend in places that are impossible for the human body to accomplish.oh and by the im 11 so dont bother emailin me if you wanna talk science.

# 9 19 years ago

I remember the film well. i made it back in 1988. It's called "Rarg" - it was my first film. More info on our web site

Afraid it's not on sale any more - try ebay for old copies or contact me via our website.>

I have the same vague memories and found your question by seeking to find the answer. Did anyone get back to you?
> Thanks,
> Rob Lederer
> New York City
> > does anyone remember a cartoon that was part of an animation festival from the late 80's-early 90's (possible spike and mike). the story was about a universe where babies were scientists and one discovers that they are figments of a man's dream and he is about to wake up and end their existence? they send pillow-clad commando's into our world to muffle his alarm clock and save themselves, but at the end, his dream shifts and they turn into flamingos? i know- sounds like an acid trip, but i'm trying to find it for my kids. not an ad, but i know one of you guys will know.
# 10 16 years ago

Found on another forum, the show you're probably look for

> does anyone remember a cartoon that was part of an animation festival from the late 80's-early 90's (possible spike and mike). the story was about a universe where babies were scientists and one discovers that they are figments of a man's dream and he is about to wake up and end their existence? they send pillow-clad commando's into our world to muffle his alarm clock and save themselves, but at the end, his dream shifts and they turn into flamingos? i know- sounds like an acid trip, but i'm trying to find it for my kids. not an ad, but i know one of you guys will know.
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