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# 1 21 years ago

Dixie Normous
Anyone know the music from the Boeing aircraft company ad? It came out a few years ago but I recently heard it in a clothing store. Its an instrumental, sounds like an acoustic guitar.

# 2 21 years ago

> Anyone know the music from the Boeing aircraft company ad? It came out a few years ago but I recently heard it in a clothing store. Its an instrumental, sounds like an acoustic guitar.
I know what commercial you're talking about and I have the music on MP3. I was lucky to find it online one day and downloaded it. If you want, I can send it along.

# 3 20 years ago

I almost had it on Gnutella. It was named 'Age of Love-boeing commericail'
It would not come down though.
I am still trying to find it.
# 4 20 years ago

Anyone know the music from the Boeing aircraft company ad? It came out a few years ago but I recently heard it in a clothing store. Its an instrumental, sounds like an acoustic guitar.

I know what commercial you're talking about and I have the music on MP3. I was lucky to find it online one day and downloaded it. If you want, I can send it along.
Would you be able to forward it to me?

Thanks Dianne!


# 5 20 years ago

could you also forward this to me..I've been searching for days now and almost gave up!
# 6 20 years ago

> Anyone know the music from the Boeing aircraft company ad? It came out a few years ago but I recently heard it in a clothing store. Its an instrumental, sounds like an acoustic guitar.
> I know what commercial you're talking about and I have the music on MP3. I was lucky to find it online one day and downloaded it. If you want, I can send it along.
> ---------------
> Would you be able to forward it to me?
> Thanks Dianne!
> Curt
could you also forward this to me..I've been searching for days now and almost gave up!
# 7 20 years ago

> > Anyone know the music from the Boeing aircraft company ad? I am looking for the .wav file of the Boeing Commercial this is and has been on TV in the lasst 90 days?
Can it be sent to me? Thanks in advance
Drex Hansen

# 8 20 years ago

>Have you found it in a full length version? The most I've found is a one minute version from the Boeing advertisement. Apparently the music is titled "To the Top" by Chris Long and Eric Cunningham of Chronic Trax. From an article I read it appears that the TV version is "heavily edited" which makes me think that there's a long version out there somewhere. Whether or not Boeing's bottled it up with copyrights I don't know. If anyone has it please, please let me know what I need to do to get a copy. It's a great piece of music. Thanks in advance.

> I know what commercial you're talking about and I have the music on MP3. I was lucky to find it online one day and downloaded it. If you want, I can send it along.
> ---------------
> Would you be able to forward it to me?
> Thanks Dianne!
> Curt
# 9 20 years ago

I'd appreciate a copy of the MP3 as well...!
# 10 20 years ago

> >Dear Dianne,

Thanks for the offer. Sure, I'd love to get the MP3 version. Just drop me a line and we'll figure it out.

I wrote a letter to Boeing asking them to consider releasing the full length version but as expected I haven't heard a word back from the multi-billion dollar company
# 11 19 years ago

> > > Anyone know the music from the Boeing aircraft company ad? I am looking for the .wav file of the Boeing Commercial this is and has been on TV in the lasst 90 days?
> Can it be sent to me? Thanks in advance
> Drex Hansen
Can anyone send me the Boeing Ad Music as well ... I think it is a nice one and I have had trouble finding it... Do anyone know the name of that song?
# 12 19 years ago

> > > Anyone know the music from the Boeing aircraft company ad? I am looking for the .wav file of the Boeing Commercial this is and has been on TV in the lasst 90 days?
> Can it be sent to me? Thanks in advance
> Drex Hansen
Can anyone send me the Boeing Ad Music as well ... I think it is a nice one and I have had trouble finding it... Do anyone know the name of that song?
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