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Axe Commercial Music

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# 1 19 years ago

Hey i just seen that new axe body spray commercial and i wanna know what the song is called frum it. it's the one where this guy is putting on axe then he goes on a date and hes in a car and the girl starts smelling him..then it says "axe. show them the way" at the end of the commercial. i REALLY wanna know what that song is called (it goes kinda like laLAlaLA la la la)if anyone knows what that song is called could you plz email me ( THANKS
# 2 19 years ago

Yeah, I really want to know what song that is, too. I want the song where this girl and guy are fighting in the background, and a guy puts axe an his shoulder... you know, that one? Yeah,w ell, someone post it, please!
# 3 19 years ago

> Hey i just seen that new axe body spray commercial and i wanna know what the song is called frum it. it's the one where this guy is putting on axe then he goes on a date and hes in a car and the girl starts smelling him..then it says "axe. show them the way" at the end of the commercial. i REALLY wanna know what that song is called (it goes kinda like laLAlaLA la la la)if anyone knows what that song is called could you plz email me ( THANKS
# 4 19 years ago

>hey i just saw the AXE commercial with the guy and hes sitting and like all the girls r undressing cuz of the AXE and i just wanted to know whose that song by it went like .... you're lookin good, needs no explainin', it's understood..electric shiver cross my skin, it's like a fever you're my only medicine.. so if anyone knows who sang that pleaz tell me!!!!!!! (
# 5 19 years ago

> >hey i just saw the AXE commercial with the guy and hes sitting and like all the girls r undressing cuz of the AXE and i just wanted to know whose that song by it went like .... you're lookin good, needs no explainin', it's understood..electric shiver cross my skin, it's like a fever you're my only medicine.. so if anyone knows who sang that pleaz tell me!!!!!!! (
# 6 19 years ago

> Hey i just seen that new axe body spray commercial and i wanna know what the song is called frum it. it's the one where this guy is putting on axe then he goes on a date and hes in a car and the girl starts smelling him..then it says "axe. show them the way" at the end of the commercial. i REALLY wanna know what that song is called (it goes kinda like laLAlaLA la la la)if anyone knows what that song is called could you plz email me ( THANKS
# 7 19 years ago

> Hey i just seen that new axe body spray commercial and i wanna know what the song is called frum it. it's the one where this guy is putting on axe then he goes on a date and hes in a car and the girl starts smelling him..then it says "axe. show them the way" at the end of the commercial. i REALLY wanna know what that song is called (it goes kinda like laLAlaLA la la la)if anyone knows what that song is called could you plz email me ( THANKS
# 8 19 years ago

> Hey i just seen that new axe body spray commercial and i wanna know what the song is called frum it. it's the one where this guy is putting on axe then he goes on a date and hes in a car and the girl starts smelling him..then it says "axe. show them the way" at the end of the commercial. i REALLY wanna know what that song is called (it goes kinda like laLAlaLA la la la)if anyone knows what that song is called could you plz email me
# 9 19 years ago

hi, i just saw an axe commercial and i loved the song... a boy and a girl come out of bed and they start to pick up their closet in the city and supermarket. i heard the song is by a mr. peter lawlor ?! but ijust can't find it. if anyone knows more about the song please tell me.

(sorry for my bad english :)
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