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WHITE CHICKS - the song they sing in car

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# 1 19 years ago

Hey, I am making a picture slide show for somebody and they asked that the song from "white chicks" be in it. Does anybody know name of the song and the artist to the one that they are all singing in the car? Thanks alot, I really appreciate it.
# 2 19 years ago

>does any one know the club song that they played when the girls was in the club and latrell was dancing to
# 3 19 years ago

it was called 1000 miles by venessa carlton.... if you mean that other song they sing in the car, i dont know
# 4 19 years ago

> Hey, I am making a picture slide show for somebody and they asked that the song from "white chicks" be in it. Does anybody know name of the song and the artist to the one that they are all singing in the car? Thanks alot, I really appreciate it.
# 5 19 years ago

> Hey, I am making a picture slide show for somebody and they asked that the song from "white chicks" be in it. Does anybody know name of the song and the artist to the one that they are all singing in the car? Thanks alot, I really appreciate it.
# 6 19 years ago

> it was called 1000 miles by venessa carlton.... if you mean that other song they sing in the car, i dont know
# 7 19 years ago

hey im lookin 4 the song that plays in the club when the undercover cops do the street dance.....plz help me out
# 8 19 years ago

If It The One With The Breakdancing Part, Ten Its Called Tricky By Run DMC
# 9 19 years ago

The One That He Dances to and is holding them neon glow sticks. If i'm think its that one then its called Satisfaction By Benny Benassi
# 10 19 years ago

> > Hey, I am making a picture slide show for somebody and they asked that the song from "white chicks" be in it. Does anybody know name of the song and the artist to the one that they are all singing in the car? Thanks alot, I really appreciate it.
# 11 19 years ago

> >does any one know the club song that they played when the girls was in the club and latrell was dancing to
# 12 19 years ago

>wat was the song in the car after vanessa carltons song......???
# 13 19 years ago

> Hey, I am making a picture slide show for somebody and they asked that the song from "white chicks" be in it. Does anybody know name of the song and the artist to the one that they are all singing in the car? Thanks alot, I really appreciate it.
# 14 19 years ago

does anyone kno the song that they played while they were in the car and then the girl said oooo is ur turn and then the sisters didnt kno the song its by michelle branch i need to kno the title its suttin makin my way downtown and they played it agen when tiffany went on a date with that blaq man and she turned on that song hopin that he wudnt like itbut he started singing it well i just from finish watchin the movie and i really want the lyrics to that song email me at
# 15 19 years ago

> does anyone kno the song that they played while they were in the car and then the girl said oooo is ur turn and then the sisters didnt kno the song its by michelle branch i need to kno the title its suttin makin my way downtown and they played it agen when tiffany went on a date with that blaq man and she turned on that song hopin that he wudnt like itbut he started singing it well i just from finish watchin the movie and i really want the lyrics to that song email me at
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