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Nike Soccer Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Hello all,

I wonder if anyone can help me?

Im in Melbourne, Australia and there is a Nike Soccer Commerical currently playing on our television.

Brasil is supposed to play Spain and even before they start the game they get involved in a game of 'OLE'.

A fantastic commercial.

Can anyone help me with the following question?

Does anyone know who the referee is who does the last tackle in the commercial before he sends the Brazilian to the centre of the ground?

Any help would be most appreciated !
# 2 19 years ago

sorry ... i would like to help you,but`i don`t have the answer to your question , but i am so needed as you are ..i need to know the name of the song from "stickman v.s ronaldinho"(nike tv commecial) ..also the group`s name...i would be very grateful..thanks
# 3 19 years ago

> Hello all,
> I wonder if anyone can help me?
> Im in Melbourne, Australia and there is a Nike Soccer Commerical currently playing on our television.
> Brasil is supposed to play Spain and even before they start the game they get involved in a game of 'OLE'.
> A fantastic commercial.
> Can anyone help me with the following question?
> Does anyone know who the referee is who does the last tackle in the commercial before he sends the Brazilian to the centre of the ground?
> Any help would be most appreciated !
# 4 19 years ago

> sorry ... i would like to help you,but`i don`t have the answer to your question , but i am so needed as you are ..i need to know the name of the song from "stickman v.s ronaldinho"(nike tv commecial) ..also the group`s name...i would be very grateful..thanks
# 5 18 years ago

I can help you
one they arent playing spain because in spain they speak spanish and in brazil they speak portugese they are playing portugal and ole means hello.
# 6 19 years ago

> Hello all,
> I wonder if anyone can help me?
> Im in Melbourne, Australia and there is a Nike Soccer Commerical currently playing on our television.
> Brasil is supposed to play Spain and even before they start the game they get involved in a game of 'OLE'.
> A fantastic commercial.
> Can anyone help me with the following question?
> Does anyone know who the referee is who does the last tackle in the commercial before he sends the Brazilian to the centre of the ground?
> Any help would be most appreciated !
# 7 19 years ago

> > Hello all,
> >
> > I wonder if anyone can help me?
> >
> > Im in Melbourne, Australia and there is a Nike Soccer Commerical currently playing on our television.
> >
> > Brasil is supposed to play Spain and even before they start the game they get involved in a game of 'OLE'.
> >
> > A fantastic commercial.
> >
> > Can anyone help me with the following question?
> >
> > Does anyone know who the referee is who does the last tackle in the commercial before he sends the Brazilian to the centre of the ground?
> >
> > Any help would be most appreciated !
# 8 19 years ago

> > Hello all,
> >
> > I wonder if anyone can help me?
> >
> > Im in Melbourne, Australia and there is a Nike Soccer Commerical currently playing on our television.
> >
> > Brasil is supposed to play Spain and even before they start the game they get involved in a game of 'OLE'.
> >
> > A fantastic commercial.
> >
> > Can anyone help me with the following question?
> >
> > Does anyone know who the referee is who does the last tackle in the commercial before he sends the Brazilian to the centre of the ground?
> >
> > Any help would be most appreciated !
# 9 19 years ago

> sorry ... i would like to help you,but`i don`t have the answer to your question , but i am so needed as you are ..i need to know the name of the song from "stickman v.s ronaldinho"(nike tv commecial) ..also the group`s name...i would be very grateful..thanks
# 10 19 years ago

> > sorry ... i would like to help you,but`i don`t have the answer to your question , but i am so needed as you are ..i need to know the name of the song from "stickman v.s ronaldinho"(nike tv commecial) ..also the group`s name...i would be very grateful..thanks
# 11 19 years ago

> > Hello all,
> >
> > I wonder if anyone can help me?
> >
> > Im in Melbourne, Australia and there is a Nike Soccer Commerical currently playing on our television.
> >
> > Brasil is supposed to play Spain and even before they start the game they get involved in a game of 'OLE'.
> >
> > A fantastic commercial.
> >
> > Can anyone help me with the following question?
> >
> > Does anyone know who the referee is who does the last tackle in the commercial before he sends the Brazilian to the centre of the ground?
> >
> > Any help would be most appreciated !
# 12 19 years ago

> sorry ... i would like to help you,but`i don`t have the answer to your question , but i am so needed as you are ..i need to know the name of the song from "stickman v.s ronaldinho"(nike tv commecial) ..also the group`s name...i would be very grateful..thanks
# 13 19 years ago

> sorry ... i would like to help you,but`i don`t have the answer to your question , but i am so needed as you are ..i need to know the name of the song from "stickman v.s ronaldinho"(nike tv commecial) ..also the group`s name...i would be very grateful..thanks
# 14 19 years ago

> sorry ... i would like to help you,but`i don`t have the answer to your question , but i am so needed as you are ..i need to know the name of the song from "stickman v.s ronaldinho"(nike tv commecial) ..also the group`s name...i would be very grateful..thanks
# 15 19 years ago

> I can help you
> one they arent playing spain because in spain they speak spanish and in brazil they speak portugese they are playing portugal and ole means hello.
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