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Heineken Commercial Song

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# 1 19 years ago

Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?
# 2 19 years ago

Nevermind, just found out. It is called Wicked Game by Chris Isaac. Hope that helped anyone else that this song is haunting!
# 3 19 years ago

> Nevermind, just found out. It is called Wicked Game by Chris Isaac. Hope that helped anyone else that this song is haunting!

Never mind the song!! Who is the girl? She's
# 4 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?
# 5 18 years ago

Was that the commercial where the girl is a black american chick sitting on a couch with a white guy?
The girl was really nice looking.
I only saw the commercial twice at the beginning of the year.
Do you have a clip from it?
# 6 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?

yea its chris isaac - wicked game
# 7 19 years ago

> Nevermind, just found out. It is called Wicked Game by Chris Isaac. Hope that helped anyone else that this song is haunting!
# 8 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?<

It is Wicked Games by Chris Issac.
# 9 18 years ago

Yaa, if you find out can you tell me the name of that song, thanx

> Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?
# 10 18 years ago

> Yaa, if you find out can you tell me the name of that song, thanx
> > Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?
that is the song I am looking for as well, please let me know if you find out. thanks
# 11 18 years ago

yeah, it's called wicked game by chris isaak
good song
# 12 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?
# 13 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?
> The song is called Cobrastyle and its by the band the Teddy Bears Sthlm featuring Mad Cobra
# 14 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?
> The song is call Wicked Games by Chris Isaac.
# 15 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song from the Heineken commercial where there is a girl and a guy on a couch and the guy has a beer in his hand, but the hand is pinned down by the girl. The guy says i love you and the girl rolls over and the guy gets his arm and beer back?? What song is playing at the end of that commercial?
> I would like to know also.
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