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Sony Net MD Walkman

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# 1 21 years ago

Saw a new commercial with the blue Sony mascot in it. He's making a recording for some girl he has just spent some time with. In the background is some music. Its a female vocalist singing in Portugese and its kind of jazzy. Does anyone know the name of the song or the singer?
# 2 21 years ago

> Saw a new commercial with the blue Sony mascot in it. He's making a recording for some girl he has just spent some time with. In the background is some music. Its a female vocalist singing in Portugese and its kind of jazzy. Does anyone know the name of the song or the singer?
I have no idea who it is but i did find what i think is the whole song on kazaa. It's only about a mintue or two long. I know that doesnt help you but i would say look for it on kazaa under 'sony vaio commercial' maybe that'll work.
But I'd still like to know who it is as well...
# 3 20 years ago

Do you know where I could get a picture of the blue sony mascot off the net?
> Saw a new commercial with the blue Sony mascot in it. He's making a recording for some girl he has just spent some time with. In the background is some music. Its a female vocalist singing in Portugese and its kind of jazzy. Does anyone know the name of the song or the singer?

# 4 20 years ago

Do you know where I could get a picture of the blue sony mascot off the net?

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