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Departing Music During Reagan's Funeral

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# 1 19 years ago

I've searched google in an attempt to find out what the music was that was played while Reagan's casket was taken out of the Cathedral during his funeral. My family and I agreed that it was very powerful and we were wondering what the name of the music was. Does anyone know?
# 2 19 years ago

I don't know but you can visit the Washington's National Cathedral's website and send them an email with your question. Website might be slow.

They also list discography and music at these links:
# 3 19 years ago

The recessional hymn was called Mansions of the Lord. It was also on the soundtrack of "we were soldiers"
# 4 19 years ago

Very nice piece wasn't it? NPR's Performance today also played some music from that including Mansions of the Lord, and if you want other pieces go here:
# 5 19 years ago

Contact Erik William Suter (organist at the National Cathedral) via e-mail. He played it.
# 6 19 years ago

Contact Erik William Suter (organist at the National Cathedral) via e-mail. He played it.
# 7 19 years ago

Contact Erik William Suter (organist at the National Cathedral) via e-mail. He played it.
# 8 19 years ago

I think you might be looking for this...

Dvorak's New World Symphony, 9th, Largo. It is sometimes called "Going Home"

That was the stirring piece I think you are referring to.
# 9 19 years ago

> Contact Erik William Suter (organist at the National Cathedral) via e-mail. He pl ed it. I would like to have a recording of the music that was played at the cathedral. It was beautiful.
# 10 19 years ago

> I've searched google in an attempt to find out what the music was that was played while Reagan's casket was taken out of the Cathedral during his funeral. My family and I agreed that it was very powerful and we were wondering what the name of the music was. Does anyone know?
# 11 19 years ago

> I've searched google in an attempt to find out what the music was that was played while Reagan's casket was taken out of the Cathedral during his funeral. My family and I agreed that it was very powerful and we were wondering what the name of the music was. Does anyone know?
# 12 19 years ago

the song you're talking about is called "The Mansions of the Lord". It's from the movie We Were Soldiers. Here's a link that may be helpful.
# 13 19 years ago

> I've searched google in an attempt to find out what the music was that was played while Reagan's casket was taken out of the Cathedral during his funeral. My family and I agreed that it was very powerful and we were wondering what the name of the music was. Does anyone know?
> The name of the song is "Mansions of the Lord", and it was sung for the movie "We Were Soldiers". Great song.
# 14 19 years ago

> I've searched google in an attempt to find out what the music was that was played while Reagan's casket was taken out of the Cathedral during his funeral. My family and I agreed that it was very powerful and we were wondering what the name of the music was. Does anyone know?
# 15 19 years ago

> I've searched google in an attempt to find out what the music was that was played while Reagan's casket was taken out of the Cathedral during his funeral. My family and I agreed that it was very powerful and we were wondering what the name of the music was. Does anyone know?

The music is called "Mansions of the Lord" by Nick Glennie-Smith. The vocal part is available on a CD called "Voice of the Corps" sung by the West Point Cadet Glee Club. I'm still trying to trace the orchestral version!
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