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Levi's Commercials

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# 1 21 years ago

Do anyone know the names of the songs that in the two most resent Levi's super low rise commericials. The first commercial has a girl stealing a car from a warehouse and the other commercial shows a guy and a girls hiding from someone and the guy driving the car off the pier and then diving in after the car to get the French dictonary.
Thanks a lot,
# 2 21 years ago

> Do anyone know the names of the songs that in the two most resent Levi's super low rise commericials. The first commercial has a girl stealing a car from a warehouse and the other commercial shows a guy and a girls hiding from someone and the guy driving the car off the pier and then diving in after the car to get the French dictonary.
> Thanks a lot,
The second song is Playground Love by Air
The first song...I am looking for myself and haven't been able to find it. Heh.
# 3 21 years ago

It's by a band called Lush, but I can't remember the song's name. But I know I saw it somewhere on this message board about a week ago.

# 4 21 years ago

the song is 'Undertow' and it's on the album Split
# 5 21 years ago

try the song 'playground love' by Air
# 6 21 years ago

The one with the girl stealing the car is by Lush - called undertow... not sure about the french dictionary one

# 7 21 years ago

That song 'Playground Love' is on the Virgin Suicides. I knew I had heard it somewheres before, I love that song.
# 8 21 years ago

Here's another question: Does anyone have any idea what that dashboard statue is that the girl grabs from under the seat? It looks like a mean,cartoon rabbit or something.
# 9 21 years ago
# 10 21 years ago

its called playground love by air
# 11 21 years ago

The Levi commercials are 'French Dictionary' and 'Atlas Bakery'.
French Dictionary's song is 'Playground Love' by Air.
Atlas Bakery's (girl steals the car) song is 'Undertow' by Lush.
> Do anyone know the names of the songs that in the two most resent Levi's super low rise commericials. The first commercial has a girl stealing a car from a warehouse and the other commercial shows a guy and a girls hiding from someone and the guy driving the car off the pier and then diving in after the car to get the French dictonary.
> Thanks a lot,

# 12 21 years ago

i have only seen the one with the girl and the car. that one is 'undertow' by lush on the split CD.
There ya go.

# 13 21 years ago

It's 'Playground Love' by Air. Isn't the music fantastic?
# 14 21 years ago

> : Do anyone know the names of the songs that in the two most resent Levi's super low rise commericials. The first commercial has a girl stealing a car from a warehouse and the other commercial shows a guy and a girls hiding from someone and the guy driving the car off the pier and then diving in after the car to get the French dictonary.
>> Thanks a lot,
:> SID
> The second song is Playground Love by Air
: The first song...I am looking for myself and haven't been able to find it. Heh.
>::::::::::::::The first song is Lush - Undertow
:::::::::::::::Thanks for the second one though
# 15 21 years ago

hey Sid, i was wondering the same thing as you were. i found a site that gives commercial information. the song for the french dictionary one is called Playground Love nad it's by Air. The second one i still cannot find, but if you have more luck than me please notify me. The link is where i found the commerical info for french dictionary and to the eft side of the page right underneath 'french dictionary' is the title of the other commerical,'Atlas bakery'. Trace

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