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Help! Can't find a video that HAUNTS me!

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# 1 21 years ago

I saw this video only once on MTV and would love to at least watch it again.
Don't know much about it, but this is what I do know. Saw it late Sunday night, so I'm guessing it was during their alternative programming. It was a split screen with 2 singers in each side of the screen. I think they were different people. They were asian looking women, but I beleive they were singing english. The action of the screens played a bit like two different movies. There was a point when the two women were at the same place at the same time in each side of the screens and then the action reversed. I know I'm not explaining this well, you'd just have to see this, it was incredible. What a mind game.
Any idea who it was? Name of the song?

# 2 20 years ago

i'm not sure, but i think you're talking about a cibo matto video. and again, i'm not sure, but it might be called sugarwater. hope that helps.
> I saw this video only once on MTV and would love to at least watch it again.
: Don't know much about it, but this is what I do know. Saw it late Sunday night, so I'm guessing it was during their alternative programming. It was a split screen with 2 singers in each side of the screen. I think they were different people. They were asian looking women, but I beleive they were singing english. The action of the screens played a bit like two different movies. There was a point when the two women were at the same place at the same time in each side of the screens and then the action reversed. I know I'm not explaining this well, you'd just have to see this, it was incredible. What a mind game.
: Any idea who it was? Name of the song?

# 3 21 years ago

Yes, Yes!!! This is it! Thank you so very much. The kids and I have been watching it over and over.

: i'm not sure, but i think you're talking about a cibo matto video. and again, i'm not sure, but it might be called sugarwater. hope that helps.
>> I saw this video only once on MTV and would love to at least watch it again.
:> Don't know much about it, but this is what I do know. Saw it late Sunday night, so I'm guessing it was during their alternative programming. It was a split screen with 2 singers in each side of the screen. I think they were different people. They were asian looking women, but I beleive they were singing english. The action of the screens played a bit like two different movies. There was a point when the two women were at the same place at the same time in each side of the screens and then the action reversed. I know I'm not explaining this well, you'd just have to see this, it was incredible. What a mind game.
:> Any idea who it was? Name of the song?

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