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about sArAh JeRonImO

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# 1 19 years ago

hmm.. c miss sarah jeronimo?.. shes one of my idol!!!! so much.. one in a million talaga ang voice nia!!! yakang-yaka.. sana d cia mgbago.. thanx a lot!!! i want ur Forevers not enough muzic!!! stay rockin!!
# 2 19 years ago

> hmm.. c miss sarah jeronimo?.. shes one of my idol!!!! so much.. one in a million talaga ang voice nia!!! yakang-yaka.. sana d cia mgbago.. thanx a lot!!! i want ur Forevers not enough muzic!!! stay rockin!!

sarah has beeen the best voice i heard in ASAP MANIA
# 3 19 years ago

> hmm.. c miss sarah jeronimo?.. shes one of my idol!!!! so much.. one in a million talaga ang voice nia!!! yakang-yaka.. sana d cia mgbago.. thanx a lot!!! i want ur Forevers not enough muzic!!! stay rockin!!
# 4 19 years ago

> hmm.. c miss sarah jeronimo?.. shes one of my idol!!!! so much.. one in a million talaga ang voice nia!!! yakang-yaka.. sana d cia mgbago.. thanx a lot!!! i want ur Forevers not enough muzic!!! stay rockin!!
# 5 18 years ago

> hmm.. c miss sarah jeronimo?.. shes one of my idol!!!! so much.. one in a million talaga ang voice nia!!! yakang-yaka.. sana d cia mgbago.. thanx a lot!!! i want ur Forevers not enough muzic!!! stay rockin!!
sana padalhan munaman ako ng picture....i dedecate mo sakin at sa anak kong si jhychrhel adrian.....
# 6 18 years ago

> > hmm.. c miss sarah jeronimo?.. shes one of my idol!!!! so much.. one in a million talaga ang voice nia!!! yakang-yaka.. sana d cia mgbago.. thanx a lot!!! i want ur Forevers not enough muzic!!! stay rockin!!
> sana padalhan munaman ako ng picture....i dedecate mo sakin at sa anak kong si jhychrhel adrian.....
# 7 17 years ago

> Me & my husband like you very much Sarah, lalo na sa teleserye "Bituin Walang Ningnig". Actually we woke up early at 5am here in menschdi just to watch your soap, at yung song mo na "You're A Star gustong gusto ko, sana magkaroon ako ng copy.

Take Care Sarah at sana hindi ka magbago.

Love Lots

# 8 17 years ago

gus2ng2 ko ang boses ne sarah jeronimo dahil kahit mataas na ang kanta kayangkaya pa rin yang kantahin at hgit sa lahat magand
# 9 17 years ago

> gus2ng2 ko ang boses ni sarah jeronimo dahil kahit mataas na ang kanta kayangkaya pa rin yang kantahin at hgit sa lahat magand
# 10 15 years ago

"{"h" sarah"IDOL"NA IDOL TLGA kta over nice m tlgng kmanta beliv tlaga aq sau hope na d2 u nman skul nmin magconcert u d2 sa TAGUM USEP
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