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Bizzy Bone

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# 1 19 years ago

best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard
# 2 19 years ago

Man you nuts that is some nuts
# 3 19 years ago

> best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard
# 4 19 years ago

> best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard
# 5 19 years ago

bizzy bone is the only rapper that can rap in such a high voice an make it sound so raw an hard.every time i get the bone cd i mainly listen to bizzy. hes a tru bone thug
# 6 19 years ago

bizzy bone is the only rapper that can rap in such a high voice an make it sound so raw an hard.every time i get the bone cd i mainly listen to bizzy. hes a tru bone thug
# 7 19 years ago

> best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard
# 8 19 years ago

> > best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard
# 9 19 years ago

> > best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard
# 10 19 years ago

> best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard
i completly agree bizzy is the all time best rapper alive,his talent as an artist is amazing
# 11 19 years ago

> best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard,His voice touches my heart, with his powerfull lyrics.It's amazing how he can come up with these intalegent lyrics.He has got a Gift that God has givin to him and he is using it well.He might of had a few up's and down's, but he is keeping strong no matter what the f*** comes his way.To me he is the best rapper,singer, that i have herd in my life.I maybe a girl who is thirteen but thats not going to stop me from loving him and his music.Every time im sad,lonely,angry and hert all I do is listen to his voice and he calms me down.Smoke a bit of this and smoke a bit of that,makes me even happier.I just want to say something to those hatters out there, F*** You ,You F***in B****es.F*** you those hoes who tried to hert Bizzy Bone.If i was your age i would of nocked use the F*** out.But it just made him stronger.But have a nice day.God Bless You.Thank You for listening.
Love, Jaymie Juanita Hirini.
# 12 19 years ago

> best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard,His voice touches my heart, with his powerfull lyrics.It's amazing how he can come up with these intalegent lyrics.He has got a Gift that God has givin to him and he is using it well.He might of had a few up's and down's, but he is keeping strong no matter what the f*** comes his way.To me he is the best rapper,singer, that i have herd in my life.I maybe a girl who is thirteen but thats not going to stop me from loving him and his music.Every time im sad,lonely,angry and hert all I do is listen to his voice and he calms me down.Smoke a bit of this and smoke a bit of that,makes me even happier.I just want to say something to those hatters out there, F*** You ,You F***in B****es.F*** you those hoes who tried to hert Bizzy Bone.If i was your age i would of nocked use the F*** out.But it just made him stronger.But have a nice day.God Bless You.Thank You for listening.
Love, Jaymie Juanita Hirini.
# 13 18 years ago

> best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard
# 14 18 years ago

hi my name is ryan and am a huge fan of bizzy bone i have been exploring through the phone for yrs just to get all bizzy bone videos and no body can help me i hope you guys can help me get all bizzy bones videos in a dvd and i will pay the cost please email at my email address if this is possible
# 15 18 years ago

> > best rapper alive tha gift best thing i heard,His voice touches my heart, with his powerfull lyrics.It's amazing how he can come up with these intalegent lyrics.He has got a Gift that God has givin to him and he is using it well.He might of had a few up's and down's, but he is keeping strong no matter what the f*** comes his way.To me he is the best rapper,singer, that i have herd in my life.I maybe a girl who is thirteen but thats not going to stop me from loving him and his music.Every time im sad,lonely,angry and hert all I do is listen to his voice and he calms me down.Smoke a bit of this and smoke a bit of that,makes me even happier.I just want to say something to those hatters out there, F*** You ,You F***in B****es.F*** you those hoes who tried to hert Bizzy Bone.If i was your age i would of nocked use the F*** out.But it just made him stronger.But have a nice day.God Bless You.Thank You for listening.
> Love, Jaymie Juanita Hirini.
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