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who's the guy in the five for fighting music video?

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# 1 19 years ago

I really want to know who the guy is in the 100 years song from five for fighting. NOt the guy in the tree, but the one playing the piano. ( no im not talking about the actuak singer.) ANY one know?
# 2 19 years ago

> I really want to know who the guy is in the 100 years song from five for fighting. NOt the guy in the tree, but the one playing the piano. ( no im not talking about the actuak singer.) ANY one know?

The lead singer, John Ondrasik plays the piano in the video. The "15 year old" with brown hair (actually 20 in real life) is Matthew Jordan, a singer-songwriter. The mid-twenties guy (blond) kissing in the tree is Matthew John (another Matthew). Incidentally, the girl he's kissing is Lucy Walsh, whose father is Eagles lead guitarist and rock legend, Joe Walsh. The mid forties guy is yet another singer-songwriter named Geoffrey Tozar. Can't remember the name of the old guy, but he used to be a musician for MGM studios years ago. The black dude's name is Shawn I think... Don't remember the military guy's name... The older woman at the end is John Ondrasik's mother. The woman with the long braids is Christy Crowl. Hope this helps.
# 3 19 years ago

Music freak
Man, I've seen Matthew Jordan perform here in Los Angeles, and this guy ROCKS! I think he'll be very successful. I found his website:
# 4 18 years ago

i dont know if you got your answer since this question was posted a year ago, but its
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