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song from movie "mean girls"

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# 1 19 years ago

does anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
# 2 19 years ago

> hey,
> does anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
# 3 19 years ago

> hey,
> does anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
# 4 19 years ago

> > hey,
> > does anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
# 5 19 years ago

> hey,
> anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
# 6 19 years ago

> > hey,
> > does anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?

Funny i wanted to know the name of that song too. if you know it could you email it to me?
# 7 19 years ago

> > hey,
> > does anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
# 8 19 years ago

> > hey,
> > does anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?

It's Joe Budden ft. Busta Rhymes - Fire .. good song

# 9 19 years ago

> > hey,
> > anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
No, but when you find out could you e-mail me with it too! Thanks.
# 10 19 years ago

> > hey,
> > anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
> jesus that is driving me crazy i really want to know..... anyone know???
# 11 19 years ago

> > > hey,
> > > does anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
> It's Joe Budden ft. Busta Rhymes - Fire .. good song
yep fire by joe budden great tune also worth checking out is N.O.R.E ft pharrel put em up..
# 12 19 years ago

i dnt actualli no the exact name of the song u want, but i found this list of the songs in the film, so maybe it may help u find it!

Mean Girls Movie Soundtrack

"Beautiful" - by Linda Perry, Performed by Daniel Franzese
"Overdrive" / Katy Rose
"Rip Her To Shreds" / Boomkat
"Built This Way" / Samantha Ronson
"Operate" / Peaches
"The Mathlette Rap" - Lyrics Tina Fey, Music by Gabriel Rene,
Produced by Gabriel Rene, Performed by Rajiv Surendra
"One Way Or Another" / Blondie
"Hated" / Nikki Cleary
"Misty Canyon" / Anjali
"Jingle Bell Rock" - by Joe Beal & Jim Boothe

hope this helps ya!
Gemz x x
# 13 19 years ago

no but i also want to know so people pleeeeeease answer!!
# 14 19 years ago

> > > hey,
> > > anyone know the rap song that was playing during mean girls in the scene where there was a party at linsay lohans character's house?
> > jesus that is driving me crazy i really want to know..... anyone know???
You guys are in luck...I was just looking for the same thing and I came across it. The song playing in the background at the party is "Fire" by Joe Budden and the song that plays when you enter the Mean Girls website is "naughty girl" by Beyonce. Hope that ends the suffering :-)
# 15 19 years ago

does anyone know that last song b4 the movie ended where kaite was sittiing down on the grass with her friends and she was talking in her mind and a song was playnig in the background....?
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