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Hyundai Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the song in the hyundai commercial on TV? The one which goes something like 'I'm stuck on you because I'm made of glue' or such.
# 2 21 years ago

Yeah! I know it! D'you know where I can find the
MP3? That song is BRILLIANT!
# 3 21 years ago

The composer is S. Everett and the title is 'Killer Bite'. I have been searching for an album or MP3 without any luck yet. If anyone finds it, please write me and i will post it here.
> Yeah! I know it! D'you know where I can find the
: MP3? That song is BRILLIANT!
> Thanks!
> Sam

# 4 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song in the hyundai commercial on TV? The one which goes something like 'I'm stuck on you because I'm made of glue' or such.
> Thanks
ya..its im sticking with the velvet underground...
# 5 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song in the hyundai commercial on TV? The one which goes something like 'I'm stuck on you because I'm made of glue' or such.
Yes i do! it is 'go' by tones on tail you can download it from Kazzalite

# 6 21 years ago

Try this link:
I believe the song you're referring to is 'I'm Sticking With You' by the Vevet Underground.

# 7 21 years ago

it's by the velvet's called i'm sticking with you or something like that

# 8 21 years ago

Velvet Underground - I'm Sticking With You
- Spinner
> Does anyone know the song in the hyundai commercial on TV? The one which goes something like 'I'm stuck on you because I'm made of glue' or such.
> Thanks

# 9 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the song in the hyundai commercial on TV? The one which goes something like 'I'm stuck on you because I'm made of glue' or such.
> Thanks
it's the velvet underground 'i'm sticking with you'
# 10 20 years ago

It's by Velvet Underground.
Think it's called I'm stuck on you.
# 11 20 years ago


> Does anyone know the song in the hyundai commercial on TV? The one which goes something like 'I'm stuck on you because I'm made of glue' or such.
The Velvet Underground 'I'm sticking to you.'
See the advert at visit4info, get the lyrics at sing365 and buy it through commericalbreaksandbeats (brilliant site) and search google.

# 12 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the song in the hyundai commercial on TV? The one which goes something like 'I'm stuck on you because I'm made of glue' or such.
> Thanks
yes, believe it or not,it's by the velvet underground,not sure of the title

# 13 19 years ago

>Does anyone know the name of the newest Hyundai commercial piece of music? It is a beautiful piece and I'd love to find out what it is. Thanks
# 14 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the song in the hyundai commercial on TV? The one which goes something like 'I'm stuck on you because I'm made of glue' or such.
> Thanks
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