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I found the Dove Soap commercial song...

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# 1 19 years ago

I just emailed their customer support and this is the reply I got. Pretty quickly too.

"Thanks for writing!

The song is Dove Bar "Difference" (once called "Period" in Canada).
-Music Production Co: JSM (New York).

Thanks for your interest.

Your friends at Dove"

I've never heard of them before. I'm gonna go a googling...
# 2 19 years ago

That's what i got also......i'm still looking.
No hits yet.

Go to to see the ad.
they didn't say the composer.....hmm.
# 3 19 years ago

I believe the composer are "ogilvy & mather". It says right there on
# 4 19 years ago

> I'm not getting anything when searching ogilvy & mather with minmx. I really want to hear this stuff and more of it, might buy the cd if there is one. But so far i'm not getting results.
# 5 19 years ago

I actually was looking for this song about 6 months ago back when nobody knew anything about it.. Im glad you guys got a good response from Dove because basically the response I got is that I would die and never know where the song came from! lol

So I did some more searching and found Ogilvy & Mather, who did the visuals for the Dove commercial, who pointed me to JSM Music, who they contracted to do the music.

As was already said, the name of the spot is 'difference' and it was composed in-house especially for the Dove litmus commercial (the spot is also known as Dove 'Period').

Unfortunately, the guy I spoke to said that there isnt much more of the song than what was heard in the 30 sec spot, but I didnt ask him who the composer was at JSM that worked on it. From what I gather, JSM is composed of alot of different artists, many of whom have
cd's and other works floating around.

It might be worth it for someone to call and find out who in particular wrote it; besides the fact the guy that I talked to didnt seem to believe that there were people out there that liked there stuff and were searching...
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