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Name of Song in VW Beetle Ad

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the song or the band that sings the song in the VW Beetle Ads. The singer has a curious voice - very high pitched. I would be well chuffed if anyone could help me out here!
# 2 21 years ago

this was on coldplay site
> D03.09.2002
Volkswagon Ad - The Answer!
Hi... Just read the question about whether Coldplay supplied the music to the VW Beatle ad, and I happen to know the answer :-). The song is called 'Strange and Beautiful, and is by 'Aqualung'. I think it is a solo work by a singer called Matt Hales who used to be in 'The 45's'. I only know because I was wondering myself and did a bit of research. Their website is in case anyone was interested. Cheers. John G

# 3 20 years ago

> this was on coldplay site
>> D03.09.2002
> Volkswagon Ad - The Answer!
: Hi... Just read the question about whether Coldplay supplied the music to the VW Beatle ad, and I happen to know the answer :-). The song is called 'Strange and Beautiful, and is by 'Aqualung'. I think it is a solo work by a singer called Matt Hales who used to be in 'The 45's'. I only know because I was wondering myself and did a bit of research. Their website is in case anyone was interested. Cheers. John G

# 4 20 years ago

:what was the name of the original record and the artist who first featured on the beetle ad in which now aqualung do???????????
# 5 19 years ago

i wanna no the artist who sang the song on a volkswagon commertial that came out like 2 years ago were the guy is going to work and it shows every day like frame by frame( i think it was from the beetle convertible commertial)
# 6 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song or the band that sings the song in the VW Beetle Ads. The singer has a curious voice - very high pitched. I would be well chuffed if anyone could help me out here!
Roolf-A-Delics - I Can See Clearly Now (org from Johnny Nash)
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