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# 1 21 years ago

I saw a commercial for what I believe is to be a new Six Flags commercial with J Lo--shaking her butt--I wish I could remember some of the words to the song 'butt' that's all I can think of is seeing her in it. If anyone has any ideas! THANKS!
# 2 20 years ago

> I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!

# 3 20 years ago

> I saw a commercial for what I believe is to be a new Six Flags commercial with J Lo--shaking her butt--I wish I could remember some of the words to the song 'butt' that's all I can think of is seeing her in it. If anyone has any ideas! THANKS!
# 4 20 years ago

Great ad , eh?

The name of the song is called "We Like to Party" and it is by a group called the "Vengaboys"

If you want to know the name of any song from a commercial search out "songs TV commercials" from any search engine and there are songs from commercials that go back years that you can hear. At the least you can download them from Kaaza



> > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
# 5 20 years ago

> > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
Hey, I too saw this commercial, and loved the music...sorry I can't help ya', but if anyone knows the name of the music, please let me know too!!!
# 6 20 years ago

> > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know if the man is Martin Short in disguise? If anyone has an answer please let me know.
# 7 20 years ago

The music in the commercial is the Vengaboys' "We Like to Pary." I would love to get a clip of that commercial -- puts me in a good mood everytime I see it

> > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
# 8 20 years ago

There is a clip on the website>

The music in the commercial is the Vengaboys' "We Like to Pary." I would love to get a clip of that commercial -- puts me in a good mood everytime I see it
> > > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
> >
> >
# 9 20 years ago

The party bus is coming
> > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
# 10 20 years ago

> > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
> the song was the venga boys the intro
# 11 20 years ago

> The party bus is coming
> > > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
> >
> >
# 12 20 years ago

> > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
# 13 20 years ago

> > The party bus is coming
> > > > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
> > > It's called Cranky Tune
> > >
> >
# 14 20 years ago

> > > I saw a commercial featuring an elderly man in a tux pull up in a bus and began dancing faster than some teenagers I've seen. I would like to know the song he was dancing to. If anyone has an answer! THANKS!
> >
> >
# 15 20 years ago

>Charles Nelson Reilly is the actor who dances manically in the "It's Partytime" commercial for Six Flags!
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