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Never Plunge Again

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# 1 20 years ago

The choral music running with this ad is absolutely perfect, but I cannot recall its origin. It sounds like a requiem. At any rate it captures the horror of an overflowing toilet and stays right on key! Congratulations to Amercan Standard for getting it if someone can just give me the piece being played my delight will be complete.

# 2 20 years ago

> I agree it's a perfect sound-track for this commercial, and I'd like to know what it is, too. Wish I could tell you!
# 3 20 years ago

There's a commercial running for Mercedes-Benz with some great clasical music. The theme of the commercial is "trust" or something similar. It shows people who have been depending on their Mercedes-Benz vehicle for years, with a moving piece of classical music in the background. Lots of swelling strings, emotional stuff. Can anybody tell me what the name of the song is? Thanks!
# 4 19 years ago

> There's a commercial running for Mercedes-Benz with some great clasical music. The theme of the commercial is "trust" or something similar. It shows people who have been depending on their Mercedes-Benz vehicle for years, with a moving piece of classical music in the background. Lots of swelling strings, emotional stuff. Can anybody tell me what the name of the song is? Thanks!
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