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# 1 20 years ago goes...I have a very difficult request but it is killing me. I have a chorus of a song that I LOVE. The problem is I don't know who sings it and I can't understand the words. If I could send this attatchment to someone and they could listen and tell me that would be GREAT!!! Thanks!
# 2 19 years ago

> goes...I have a very difficult request but it is killing me. I have a chorus of a song that I LOVE. The problem is I don't know who sings it and I can't understand the words. If I could send this attatchment to someone and they could listen and tell me that would be GREAT!!! Thanks!

Sure, send it to me and I'll see if I can find out what it is. Just be sure to put in the title of the email that it's from this website. My email is If you'd like, you can send me the link where the song is located IF it's on the net.
# 3 19 years ago

> > goes...I have a very difficult request but it is killing me. I have a chorus of a song that I LOVE. The problem is I don't know who sings it and I can't understand the words. If I could send this attatchment to someone and they could listen and tell me that would be GREAT!!! Thanks!
> Sure, send it to me and I'll see if I can find out what it is. Just be sure to put in the title of the email that it's from this website. My email is If you'd like, you can send me the link where the song is located IF it's on the net.
i have a few of the lyrics to this song, i don't know the artist or the title and apparently no one else does either, can you help me:ive gone and done it this time broke my parole to have a good time she broke my heart in that trailer park crashed her f**king car these are a few of the lines i can remember
# 4 19 years ago

REHAB - "Sittin' At A Bar"
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