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Girl in Jay-Z's Big Pimpin' Video??

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In Jay Z's Big Pimpin' video who is the girl dancing by the Mercedes with the cowboy hat on? She is also in the "Holla Holla" video by Ja Rule and in the "Thong Song Remix" video by Sisqo. She may be in other videos too but I have a feeling she is a model b/c I know a few years ago she was in "The Source" magazine and nuts. I would really appreciate it if any of ya might know her name at all! :) Thanks peeeps.

One Love,
# 2 20 years ago

So, in Jay Z's "Big Pimpin'" video, who is the girl dancing by the Mercedes with the white cowboy hat on? (that's in the later, third section of the music video)
Most probable answer: it's Gloria Velez.

Actually, there are so many people in this video that it's hard to track and probably only she can tell for sure.
Here in the Forums, it was pointed out that she was also in
- "Holla Holla" video by Ja Rule, and in the
- "Thong Song Remix" video by Sisqo the girl in the blue dress. She also had editorial recognition in "The Source" magazine.
Edited by moderator on Tue Jan 30 18:59:54 2018
# 3 19 years ago

> In Jay Z's Big Pimpin' video who is the girl dancing by the Mercedes with the cowboy hat on? She is also in the "Holla Holla" video by Ja Rule and in the "Thong Song Remix" video by Sisqo. She may be in other videos too but I have a feeling she is a model b/c I know a few years ago she was in "The Source" magazine and nuts. I would really appreciate it if any of ya might know her name at all! :) Thanks peeeps.
> One Love,
> ~Bnubs
# 4 19 years ago

> In Jay Z's Big Pimpin' video who is the girl dancing by the Mercedes with the cowboy hat on? She is also in the "Holla Holla" video by Ja Rule and in the "Thong Song Remix" video by Sisqo. She may be in other videos too but I have a feeling she is a model b/c I know a few years ago she was in "The Source" magazine and nuts. I would really appreciate it if any of ya might know her name at all! :) Thanks peeeps.
> One Love,
> ~Bnubs
# 5 19 years ago

> In Jay Z's Big Pimpin' video who is the girl dancing by the Mercedes with the cowboy hat on? She is also in the "Holla Holla" video by Ja Rule and in the "Thong Song Remix" video by Sisqo. She may be in other videos too but I have a feeling she is a model b/c I know a few years ago she was in "The Source" magazine and nuts. I would really appreciate it if any of ya might know her name at all! :) Thanks peeeps.
> One Love,
> ~Bnubs
# 6 19 years ago

Did you find out her name??

> In Jay Z's Big Pimpin' video who is the girl dancing by the Mercedes with the cowboy hat on? She is also in the "Holla Holla" video by Ja Rule and in the "Thong Song Remix" video by Sisqo. She may be in other videos too but I have a feeling she is a model b/c I know a few years ago she was in "The Source" magazine and nuts. I would really appreciate it if any of ya might know her name at all! :) Thanks peeeps.
> One Love,
> ~Bnubs
# 7 19 years ago

i can't access the replies- im tryin to find out the name of this chicak as well - can anyone tell me?
# 8 19 years ago

Cleo Kruz
> In Jay Z's Big Pimpin' video who is the girl dancing by the Mercedes with the cowboy hat on? She is also in the "Holla Holla" video by Ja Rule and in the "Thong Song Remix" video by Sisqo. She may be in other videos too but I have a feeling she is a model b/c I know a few years ago she was in "The Source" magazine and nuts. I would really appreciate it if any of ya might know her name at all! :) Thanks peeeps.
> One Love,
> ~Bnubs
her name is chloe boros
# 9 18 years ago

> In Jay Z's Big Pimpin' video who is the girl dancing by the Mercedes with the cowboy hat on? She is also in the "Holla Holla" video by Ja Rule and in the "Thong Song Remix" video by Sisqo. She may be in other videos too but I have a feeling she is a model b/c I know a few years ago she was in "The Source" magazine and nuts. I would really appreciate it if any of ya might know her name at all! :) Thanks peeeps.
> One Love,
> ~Bnubs
# 10 18 years ago

> In Jay Z's Big Pimpin' video who is the girl dancing by the Mercedes with the cowboy hat on? She is also in the "Holla Holla" video by Ja Rule and in the "Thong Song Remix" video by Sisqo. She may be in other videos too but I have a feeling she is a model b/c I know a few years ago she was in "The Source" magazine and nuts. I would really appreciate it if any of ya might know her name at all! :) Thanks peeeps.
> One Love,
> ~Bnubs
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