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Vibe (Alcoholic Beverage) Commercial Song

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# 1 21 years ago

The commercial is for Vibe, and alcoholic beverage. There are a bunch of people dancing outside, and then the fridge opens up and its full of Vibe drinks. Some of the lyrics are 'Throw your hands in the air..'
# 2 21 years ago

I'm trying to find this one myself. Come on someone, impress us with your encyclopediac knowledge of quasi-techno!

: The commercial is for Vibe, and alcoholic beverage. There are a bunch of people dancing outside, and then the fridge opens up and its full of Vibe drinks. Some of the lyrics are 'Throw your hands in the air..'

# 3 21 years ago

Freakpower - No way is the song
# 4 21 years ago

If you guys ever find out let me know too! I'm dying to get this one!
# 5 21 years ago

> I'm trying to find this one myself. Come on someone, impress us with your encyclopediac knowledge of quasi-techno!
:> The commercial is for Vibe, and alcoholic beverage. There are a bunch of people dancing outside, and then the fridge opens up and its full of Vibe drinks. Some of the lyrics are 'Throw your hands in the air..'
I believe there are two commercials for this stuff. I'm pretty sure the 'throw your hands' song is by a group called Freakpower and it's called 'No Way'. It may also be on the Mystery Men soundtrack. The other commercial used 'Tigerbeat' by Ursula 1000.
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