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Don't know the song!?!?

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# 1 23 years ago

In the trailer from all the pretty horses, there is a slow song in the middle which sounds like the woman singer say 'baby I love you.' I don't know the song!!! Help!
# 2 20 years ago

I was wondering if anyone knows the music that is playing in the background of the Honda commercial where people are looking at the various models. It's slower and has a big accordion part. Any help would be awesome.
# 3 20 years ago

It sounds like Johann Pachelbel's Canon in D major. A 17th century classical baroque piece. There are many versions out there by artists such as George Winston (piano) and even Coolio. The original piece was written for 3 violins. Also appears on many soundtracks including Father of the Bride and Ordinary people. Also appears on many Christmas albums including a version on Trans-Siberian Orchestra called Christmas Canon.

> I was wondering if anyone knows the music that is playing in the background of the Honda commercial where people are looking at the various models. It's slower and has a big accordion part. Any help would be awesome.
# 4 20 years ago

I'm looking for this commercial where this black couple are driving by the moon light and this smooth song comes on i don't know what they were saying but the guy was humming something and the back singers were repeating it please reply.
# 5 19 years ago

> I was wondering if anyone knows the music that is playing in the background of the Honda commercial where people are looking at the various models. It's slower and has a big accordion part. Any help would be awesome.
# 6 19 years ago

> > I was wondering if anyone knows the music that is playing in the background of the Honda commercial where people are looking at the various models. It's slower and has a big accordion part. Any help would be awesome.
# 7 19 years ago

I'm looking for the answer as well. It sounds a LOT like Yann Tiersen, who did the soundtrack to Amelie. If you like the tune on this commercial, check out his CD's.

> I was wondering if anyone knows the music that is playing in the background of the Honda commercial where people are looking at the various models. It's slower and has a big accordion part. Any help would be awesome.
# 8 19 years ago

I too would love to know what this song is called. A while back there was a Saab commercial and I fell in love with the music in it. I even went so far as to email Saab and ask them who the artist was. They told me that it was recorded by an in-studio group specifically for this commercial and wasn't commercially available. So, this is probably the case with this one, too. If I could find a way to email Honda, I surely would, but I can't find any way to do that...

My thoughts:
This song was recorded especially for this commercial and is available nowhere else.
# 9 19 years ago

I was wondering if anyone can tell me who or what music was used for the Honda commerical
where the guy is at the beach, in a beach parking lot. He's not looking where's he's going and runs into someone. There is sort of a beachy / surf music going on in the background.Must mean it's a good commercial, as it's stuck in my head and driving me crazy
everyday. Thank You
# 10 19 years ago

I was wondering if anyone can tell me who or what music was used for the Honda commerical
where the guy is at the beach, in a beach parking lot. He's not looking where's he's going and runs into someone. There is sort of a beachy / surf music going on in the background.Must mean it's a good commercial, as it's stuck in my head and driving me crazy
everyday. Thank You
# 11 19 years ago

I was wondering if anyone can tell me who or what music was used for the Honda commerical
where the guy is at the beach, in a beach parking lot. He's not looking where's he's going and runs into someone. There is sort of a beachy / surf music going on in the background.Must mean it's a good commercial, as it's stuck in my head and driving me crazy
everyday. Thank You
# 12 19 years ago

does anyone know the name of the song that is playing when one of the wayans bros poses as latrell and is making out with the news girl?
# 13 19 years ago

The name of the song you are looking for is a classical song composed by Pachelbel. It is called 'Canon in D'. If you type "Canon in D" in any search engine you should be able to find it. If not, shoot me an 'e' and I'll e-mail it to you if you mailbox can handle that much content.
# 14 19 years ago

> It sounds like Johann Pachelbel's Canon in D major. A 17th century classical baroque piece. There are many versions out there by artists such as George Winston (piano) and even Coolio. The original piece was written for 3 violins. Also appears on many soundtracks including Father of the Bride and Ordinary people. Also appears on many Christmas albums including a version on Trans-Siberian Orchestra called Christmas Canon.
> > I was wondering if anyone knows the music that is playing in the background of the Honda commercial where people are looking at the various models. It's slower and has a big accordion part. Any help would be awesome.
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